How To Create User-Generated Content (UGC) For Your E-Learning Course

Application Of User-Generated Content In eLearning Project

As was the case for social media, eLearning has a rightly interested look at User Generated Content (UGC)

In line with Social Learning where the involvement of learners in the construction and sharing of knowledge, UGC is an interesting and enriching concept for your eLearning projects.

  1. What is UGC ?

  2. Benefits of UGC ?

  3. How to share UGC on your LMS?

  4. Social Learning and UGC?

  5. How LXP Integarte UGC?


User-generated content (UGC), is a topic that’s come up a lot in recent years. E-learning platforms can benefit from the integration of User Generated content in the global eLearning Strategy.

It’s easy to see why so many Learners are turning towards user-generated content as an alternative to the standard e-learning courses out there. Nerver be in the opposition to one system to the other instead be inclusive and open the doors of your eLearning Lab to external cooperation.


UGC elearning

What is UGC?

User-generated content, UGC is essentially a type of content that’s created and uploaded by your learners or influencers.

This could be essays on why delivering eLearning is important to staff and students, videos of lecturers demonstrating content, or even images of your online course material that attendees have created.

UGC can be:

  1. Articles,

  2. Blogs,

  3. Videos,

  4. Courses…

UGC may not be as high level and deep as content create by experts (and again some content are design by specialists). But it can call to:

  1. Braimstroming

  2. Discussion

  3. Reflexion

  4. Challenge…

If you’re using an elearning platform that enables you to upload your own content, and you’re also making it easy for your learners to create and share their own content, then you’re well on your way to creating a very successful and engaging e-learning program.



Benefits of UGC for your eLearning Course

User-generated content UGC can add a whole new dimension to your e-learning course

Authentic & Proximity

One that’s completely authentic and engaging for your participants. By encouraging your learners to create their own content, you’re increasing their knowledge on a wide range of subjects. UGC also allows you to build a more personal relationship with your participants

Cost & Content Development

One that’s likely to lead to a stronger overall experience when it comes to completing your course. While there are many ways in which UGC can improve your e-learning course, it’s important to note that it’s often a very time-consuming process. That’s why you must design your e-learning program with UGC in mind from the very beginning.

Participation and engagement

By being involved in the creation, sharing and thus development of data in your eLearning platform you increase the Social Learning and LXP dimension of your project and you considerably increase the engagement rate of your learners.

A word of caution: UGC must be carefully guided and monitored to keep the quality and organisation of the information delivered to your learners exemplary.


Real & Particle

UGC From the information issued by the community there are many sociological and professional lessons. You will find concerns, challenges, trends... A well of resources for analysis and reporting. The examples are practical and close to your employees.

This is why LXP is such a big trend!

Social Learning

Through group activities and the involvement of an employee in the development of knowledge and learning materials. An employee increases his or her ability to retain information. It also increases his motivation and willingness to learn in the long term.

elearning courses

How to share UGC on your LMS?

Depending on which learning platform you’re using, you’ll be able to set up a system that enables you to upload your own course content and share UGC created by your participants.

Your elearning solution and platform needs to be LXP oriented

Some platforms, such as Learning Lab, all have native features that make it possible to use UGC in your program.

You need to opte for an hybrid e-learning platform LMS / LXP that doe support:

  • UGC

  • Video embed

  • Article builder

  • Blog feature

  • Iframe

  • Documents sharing

  • Links to external content

Start by focusing on the most active employees. Everyone is an enthusiast, so you won’t have to look for the first candidates to share experiences.

You must simply start the engine and the others will follow. You also have to think about the functionality of the hybrid LMS / LXP.

If the hybrid LMS / LXP is well-adapted to the employee’s needs and is easy to use, your team will be more likely to like the system.

Every aspect should be considered in order for the platform to be user-friendly and exciting.

Social Learning and UGC?

When it comes to user-generated content, there’s a growing trend for programs to offer a blend of social learning and UGC.

This typically involves learners creating UGC on a certain topic, but then sharing it with their social media communities.

As we’ve discussed, sharing UGC is a great way to boost engagement in your e-learning program.

However, you should be mindful of the fact that if you link UGC with Social Learning Sky will be the Limit

Social Learning is interpersonal learning through  

  • Cooperation

  • Collaboration


Social learning is a form of informal learning that occurs when employees share:  

  • Ideas,

  • Information

  • And knowledge.

During discussions and exchanges the process of repetition promotes retention of information.

  • Reproduction

  • Hearing and copying processes through mimicry and modelling.

  • Motivation

  • Self-training and group work increases motivation and passions.

To Learning more about Social Learning I invite you to read this Article: Social Learning

From there, other learners can either add their comments or repost the content to their own social media accounts.

Depending on the social learning platform you’re using, the process of creating UGC and then sharing it with your social media communities may be more straightforward than you think.

User-Generated Content For E-Learning

It’s important to remember that user-generated content can be an incredibly effective way of boosting your elearning project overall experience.

UGC can add a whole new dimension to your e-learning course

One that’s completely authentic and engaging for your participants. By encouraging your learners to create their own content, you’re increasing their knowledge on a wide range of subjects.

UGC can also help build a more personal relationship with your participants

One that’s likely to lead to a stronger overall experience when it comes to completing your course.

Contact Us for a free demo of your LMS / LXP solution!


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