How to apply Continuous Learning to your elearning strategy
It is imperative for businesses to remain innovative and adaptive in today's ever-changing global marketplace if employees are to be competent.
The brain learns only with regular and constant exercise. Studies on language learning or piano playing show that only regularity tells the brain that this information is worth and should be retained.
So even working on the same subject for only 15 minutes a day is enough to quickly become an expert in it.
Did you know that your brain actually changes its structure once you learn something new? The human brain is made up of neurons, which are neural networks that process information. Once you learn something, your brain starts creating new neural pathways to store and process what you’ve just learned. This is known as structural plasticity, and it helps the brain adapt to change.
Continous learning is one of the best ways to take advantage of structural plasticity and keep your brain stimulated over a long period of time.
Continuous learning, the ever-increasing capacity to learn and adapt to changing needs, is the solution and need to be integrated in your strategy.
We will review :
What is continuous Learning ?
Why is continuous learning pivotal?
What are the benefits of continuous learning?
What is the difference between lifelong learning and contunuous learning?
How to build a continuous learning environment?
In this article, we’ll explore five great ways that you can use continuous learning to take your life to the next level.
After reading this article, you’ll know everything about how to use continuous learning for success.
What is Continuous Learning?
As humans, we’re constantly learning. We’re in school from a very young age, and while we might not always enjoy it, we all must go to school at some point in our lives.
We also learn new things all the time. We might learn how to use new skills, how to make new friends, or how to deal with difficult emotions and experiences.
Learning Process :
1. Repetition
a. Recite out loud in your own words
b. Listen
2. Organise
a. Learn general and specific later
b. Use memory devices (LMS)
3. Emotion
a. Assign meaningfulness to things
b. Teach someone else. (Social Learning)
4. Aply to real life
Every time you learn something new, your brain gets a little bigger and a little smarter.
This is why it’s so important to learn new things. Learning new things is what keeps your brain healthy and makes it smarter.
It’s why it’s so important to challenge yourself and keep your mind active by learning new things, especially throughout your life.
Steps of eLearning content creation
Why is Continuous Learning Important?
Learning is one of the most important parts of your life. When you learn something new, you increase your cognitive ability, both now and in the future.
Cognitive ability includes your:
And social capabilities.
Increasing your cognitive ability leads to better decision-making ability and health outcomes, including better physical and mental health and a longer life.
How do you do this?
When you learn, your brain changes. It grows new neurons and synapses and creates new neural pathways.
This is known as structural plasticity and it helps your brain adapt to change. Structural plasticity is important because it helps your brain function well under stress.
When your brain is flexible, it’s better at handling stress and it gets better at problem-solving over time.
Continuous Learning will increase your capacity to remember for ever knowledge integrated and your learning performance.
How to build a continuous learning environment
If you want to take advantage of structural plasticity, the number-one thing that you can do is learn new things.
There are many ways to do this, including taking:
elearning courses online,
reading books,
watching educational videos,
and going to seminars.
Next, you need to make sure that you actually learn.
This is important, because most people just get information and don’t actually take it in.
You can use techniques such as:
mind mapping,
and creating mental
Notes to help you actually understand what you’re learning. It’s also important to get used to learning new things.
If you’re used to just reading books and watching videos, it may be harder to actually apply what you learn.
You can try learning new things that are easy to do and that are relevant to your life, such as how to cook healthy meals, how to manage your finances better, or how to communicate better with others.
What is the difference between lifelong learning and continuous learning?
Lifelong Learning
When referring to individuals, the phrase lifelong learning refers to people who make a long-term, dedicated effort to learn new skills and develop new knowledge.
Continuous Learning
Someone who is committed to learning new skills or knowledge, though, is often described in more define time or in a more official capacity.
But the two concepts are often interchangeable and merge. One moves to the other depending on disciplines or the desire to finally re-orientate one's career or to develop a skill over the long term when other knowledge remains satellite and complementary but not primary.
implementing continuous learning in your organization
These are the steps that you have to take when implementing continuous learning in your organization:
Identify the types of learning that are most relevant to your employees and their jobs.
Create a plan for delivering the learning. Make sure that you actually follow through with it.
Make sure that the learning environment is conducive for learning. This means making sure that the content is interesting and that there are no distractions.
Make sure that the learning environment is engaging. This means that the learning is engaging enough to actually get people engaged and make them want to engage in it.
Make sure that the learning environment is effective. This means that it actually results in new learning and that the new learning is actually applicable and useful in daily life.
Make sure that you follow up and keep the learning environment relevant. This means that you always make sure that the learning environment is relevant to the employees’ jobs.
Check List:
Involve the stakeholders and Experts (e-coaching)
Create an agenda
Define the objectives and goals,
Invest in social learning
Choice the write LMS / LXP Hybrid solution like the Learning Lab
Invest in the development of a Knowledge Platform with on demand courses and resources
Create an individual and group learning path
Organise blending learning
Continuous Learning
Whether you’re a business leader looking to keep your employees challenged and eager to learn new things, or you’re a person who wants to keep their mind stimulated, continuous learning can help you reach your goals.
Whether you want to learn some new skills, break a bad habit, or just add some new knowledge to your job, continuous learning can help you achieve all of these things.
These are just a few of the ways that you can use continuous learning to take your life to the next.
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