How To Boost Active Listening Skills In eLearning

Active Listening Training in eLearning

The active listening skills are important in eLearning, it is a technic to master in order to truly optimise your Trainings.

It’s one of the most challenging skills to master because of its complexities and variations. However, it’s crucial if you want your learners to achieve their learning goals.

It is a process of really focusing on someone else and understanding what they’re saying so that you can respond back in a way that helps them understand what you mean.


  1. What Is Active Listening?

  2. Interactive learning activities.

  3. Resume every eLearning Module.

  4. Invest in Social Learning.

  5. Audio and Video-Based Learning.

  6. User Generate Content.


It’s not just about being an attentive listener or nodding your head or saying ‘uh-huh’ at the right times, but also understanding why they say things and how their words impact on you as well as them. 

This blog post will highlight some of the ways you can enhance your active listening skills in eLearning programs.


Social Listening in eLearning

What is Active Listening?

Active listening is a process by which you effectively absorb and retain what others say to you. It’s not necessarily about listening to others.

It’s about absorbing what they say, storing it in your memory, and using it to draw conclusions.

Active Listening Actions :

·      Focus & Concentration

·      Understand

·      Rise interest

·      Print the information in the brain

It’s not just about the speaker and the listener, it’s also about the relationship between the two.


Why is Active Listening Important?

As we mentioned above, one of the best ways to improve your active listening skills is by practicing them in real-life settings.

When you do so, you can start to notice a couple of things. First, you’ll start to notice that people don’t have as much time to get their points across when you’re actively listening.

  • Motivation

  • Long Term Commitment

  • Share Knowledge

  • Easy to Access

  • Time Saving

This might make you feel rushed, but it also means that you’re more likely to actually understand them. Another benefit of practicing active listening is that you’ll begin to notice that you don’t need as much space when you’re doing it.


Social Listening in eLearning

Becoming an Active Listener

When you’re at a work setting, try to get into the mindset of actively listening.

Instead of thinking about what you want to say next or what your next move is, think about what the person next to you is saying.

Be always focus and stop multitasking! There is no such thing as multitasking…

That way, you can learn a lot more than just their words. You can also try to avoid multitasking while actively listening. You should avoid texting, writing, or doing any other task that requires your attention.


  • Be monotasking

    • Multitasking does not exist!

  • Be focus

  • Take notes

  • Force yourself to ask questions

  • Open debats, discussions, brainstorming sessions…

  • Offer multimedia support:

    • Articles,

    • Audio,

    • Videos,

    • Webinars,

    • Chat and forum

    • Activities & Interactions

When you’re in a class or training environment, try to take notes as if you’re actively listening to the instructor. If you don’t write things down, you might not remember them in the long run.


Interactive learning activities.

There are a lot of different types of activities you can use to enhance your active listening skills in eLearning.

A good example of an interactive activity is a case study which involves critical thinking skills too. You’ll want to find activities that really engage your learners and make them think and feel.


You don’t want to just follow a step-by-step guide where all the learners are just sitting there, but rather activities that force them to take part and make decisions that they would normally make in real life.

Social Listening in eLearning

Resume every eLearning Module.

Every single eLearning module or lesson should be a resume of what you’ve done up to that point.

When you’re doing active listening, you want to stop at every single point in the conversation where the speaker is either saying the name of a person or a location.


  • What we have learned

  • What are important or / and new

  • Support and resources to share

  • Questions or Feedbacks?

  • Next step to follow up

  • Agenda

You want to make sure you know what they’re saying and what they mean. Making it a point to stop at each and every one of these points will help you enhance your active listening skills.


Invest in Social Learning

Social learning is a great way to get more from your eLearning program and increase Active Learning.

You can create social activities within your eLearning program to help learners interact with each other.

A social learning platform may provide a variety of features to help learners connect with experts or instructors, work in groups, and be guided by benevolent mentors.

Albert Bandura states that individuals are programmed for self-learning and that they are innately and naturally self-learning:

  • Observe,

  • Imitate,

  • and reproduce...

With self-modelling, an individual learns by identifying with a particular person or idea.

  • The four principles of social learning are

  • Attention

  • Focus promotes absorption.

  • Retention

During discussions and exchanges the process of repetition promotes retention of information.

  • Reproduction

  • Hearing and copying processes through mimicry and modelling.

  • Motivation

  • Self-training and group work increases motivation and passions.

You can also create quizzes and assessments that require social skills for your learners to practice on.

Social learning can be a great way to make your program more engaging and fun for your learners by integrating different types of activities.

Learn More


Social Learning

Audio and Video-Based Learning

There are a lot of benefits associated with audio-based and video-based learning for Active Listening.

Audio-based learning is great for enhancing your active listening skills because it forces learners to focus on what’s being said. Only one unique source of information.

From e-learning courses to questions, our e-learning platform will assist your learners in better:

  • understanding,

  • discovering,

  • and recording the information it delivers.

If you want your learners to really focus on what you’re saying, you can use audio as a medium of communication.

A great example of audio-based learning is an audio program where you’re interviewing someone to explore a certain topic.

You can also use online audio programs and podcasts. Another way of using audio in eLearning is by creating tutorials. You can create tutorials where you explain how to use certain software or how to perform certain tasks in eLearning.

Video-based learning is another great way of enhancing your active listening skills. It’s a great way to add visuals like images, videos, and charts. You can use these visuals to explain certain things in a better way.

1/ Interactive Video: Construct your own scenario through a series of choices.

2/ Video Quiz: Add a quiz to your video! It's simple and terribly efficient!

2/ Screen recording: Software training is perfect for video recording

3/ Video Test: Film your presentation or talk and receive feedback

4/ Video Test: Film your presentation or talk and receive feedback

A Video-Based Learning Platform in few words:

  1. Record directly on the platform

  2. Ask for Video Assessment

  3. Analyse and report

  4. Integrate Social Learning

  5. Organise live video event

  6. Deliver Certifications and Awards

Learn More


Social Listening in eLearning

User Generate Content

User generated content is great for enhancing your active listening skills.

You can encourage your learners to write and create their own content.

You can create a blogging platform where your learners can create blogs on a certain topic and post their content on the platform.

UGC can be:

  1. Articles,

  2. Blogs,

  3. Videos,

  4. Courses…

UGC may not be as high level and deep as content create by experts (and again some content are design by specialists). But it can call to:

  1. Braimstroming

  2. Discussion

  3. Reflexion

  4. Challenge…

You can also create a content creation platform where learners can create lesson plans, guides, and other types of content.


Social Listening in eLearning

Active Listening Skills In eLearning

Active listening is a skill that will help you connect with others and create stronger relationships.

It's about really focusing on what someone is saying and understanding what they mean. You'll want to make sure you're truly hearing someone and not just reading what they're saying.

It's also important to remember that active listening isn't only beneficial in person communication, it can also be used in virtual communication such as virtual meetings, virtual discussions, and online training programs.

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