What are the differences between a Learning Management System and a Learning Experience Platform

It is already very difficult to choose a Learning Management System today but now you have to choose between an LMS or LXP! The Chinese headache is getting more complex...


But what is a Learning Experience Platform and therefore what are the differences between these two solutions.

And above all, while today it seems that the choice for an application is no longer Android or Apple but a web application or a technology, why make this difference for eLearning?  

Yes, there are solutions like the Learning Lab! Fortunately... In this article we will explain everything in detail.  

We will discuss :

  • What is a Learning Management System?

  • What is a Learning Experience Platform?

  • LMS vs LXP?

  • E-Learning Project Management Tool


LXP LMS Hybrid solution

What is a Learning Management System?


A learning management system (LMS) is a software platform that is designed to assist in the process of managing and tracking student learning.

It provides administrators with a centralized location for storing, organizing, and sharing all types of learners-related data.  

An eLearning Platform LMS is the software you use to

  • Manage elearning courses and content,

  • Create user accounts,

  • Manage Certifications,

  • And track data for each and every employee.

In addition, it can be used to perform a wide range of functions, including the creation and distribution of course content and group assignments.

More importantly, however, an LMS can help institutions ensure that learners are making progress toward their goals.

By gathering data on student performance across multiple dimensions and facilitating the communication of that information throughout the institution, an LMS can play an essential role in the success of any organization.

LMS Solution

What is a Learning Experience Platform?


A learning experience platform (LXP) is a collection of features that creates an interactive learning environment for people to learn new skills and knowledge.

Most LXP’s combine discussions and documents sharing.


The learning experience platform (LXP) is the virtual space where participants meet and interact.

A Learning experience platform enables users to consume content through:

  • Courses,

  • Blog posts,

  • Webinars or Virtual ClassRooms

  • Glossary

  • Videos,

  • Articles

  • User Generated Content

An LXP will allow you to manage your entire employee and customer experience through a single interface.

  • Social learning with discussion

  • Personalised learning based on preference

  • Individual learning paths

  • Learning on demand

  • Supports all media types (video, podcast (audio), webinars, articles / blogs…)

  • Venue social collaboration : blended learning

  • Collaborative space for content creation.


The elearning Platform is the tools used by the participants to engage in activities like playing games, using simulations, or reading content.

The online component allows people to watch videos, read content, chat, etc.

In addition to facilitating learning, LXP’s can also be used to deliver training or certify skills. Lastly, they can be used by companies to create digital badges or records of achievement for employees.

Learn More :




It is sometimes difficult to tell the difference because an LXP must offer the functionalities of an LMS but with the added ability to adapt to the needs of the learner. I tend to think or I prefer to simplify by saying that the LXP is a normal evolution of an LMS.


We always ask ourselves the question of the learner's expectations when creating a course.

  • What are they looking for?

  • How should the course help them in their work?

  • How can we be even more learner-centred?


Well, the learning experience platform is not a learner-centred tool but an e-learning solution for the learner. And from the learning experience platform, the student will choose, format and organise his or her own learning path.

The tool is totally at their service! The elearning platform becomes a knowledge platform for on-demand learning.

Another new point is the sharing of information. The community participates in the foundation of knowledge!  

The Learning Lab has designed its solution as a learning experience platform from the start! With a project management tool dedicated to eLearning! This functionality is unique!

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E-Learning Project Management Tool


Project management is vital for any successful E-Learning project specially for a Learning Experience Platform.


Without a clear plan and well-executed milestones, your project could miss it objectives or been seen messy.  

The Learning Lab PM Solution is a comprehensive software suite that allows you to organize your tasks, track progress, and share data and documents with team members. It’s an indispensable tool for anyone working on an E-Learning project.

TheLearning LAB’s Project management eLearning Tool has a wide variety of features that allow project managers to efficiently:

  • Plan,

  • Manage,

  • Share,

  • Design,

  • Chat,

  • Validate

  • And track the progress of all stages of any project.

Learn More :

Learning LAB: A Powerful Hybrid Solution (LMS / LXP)

Thanks-fully with a solution like The Learning Lab you do not need to hesitate as it is an hybrid solution giving you the best of the two options LMS and LXP.

  • Cooperation

  • Social Learning

  • UGC

  • Collaboration

  • Ideas,

  • Information

  • And knowledge.

Benefit of our Hybrid elearning platform LMS / LXP

  • Facilitate communication

  • Increase motivation

  • Embrace self-learning

  • Optimum retention

  • Develop company culture

  • Reinforce team spirit

Contact us for a Free Demo!


Increase Learners Engagement


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