eLearning statistics & key figures

Here is a map of the most interesting statistics on the eLearning business and industry!

Growth, usage, impact you will find in this article information and evidence of the importance of eLearning in the business and education world. 

E-learning Statistics are a vital part of every business, from startups to large corporations. No matter what kind of business you have, or how much money you make, understanding statistics can help you understand the market better and improve your operations accordingly.

E-learning Statistics is an important skill for any business to learn and it’s not just for big businesses either.

Understanding key figures and E-learning Statistics in your field of operation is a great way to get a handle on the whole operation and identify potential issues before they turn into problems.

In this article we will cover some key E-learning Statistics that every business should know about. These figures may not seem like much at first but over time they will give you a more accurate picture of the health of the eLearning Industry.

93% of companies worldwide plan to adopt e-learning

eLearning courses produce 86% less greenhouse gases

By 2017, around 77% of corporations will have adapted elearning

Mobile learning can reach $80 billion by 2027

online course industry is expected to be worth $374 billion by 2026

In 2020 eLearning Demand increased by as much as 400%

E-learning takes around 50% less time to complete Than traditional learning.

82% of companies use eLearning to conduct compliance training 

62% of entreprises use elearning to close gaps in employee knowledge 

E-learning has help to increase income for 42%.

Companies offering eLearning earn 26% more revenue per employee than other companies.

On average, 42% of companies that use eLearning generate more revenue.

40% of Fortune 500 companies use eLearning

E-Learning Worldwide projected to be worth $325 Billion in 2025

E-learning increases retention by 25% to 60%

90% of corporate businesses offer eLearning opportunities to employees. (LinkedIn)

Augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) are key trends to follow!

The corporate eLearning sector: worth more than $50 billion by 2027 

IBM saved around $200 million after adopting e-learning.

64% of middle school onboarded eLearning


German eLearning is the European leader in terms of market share and dominance.


81% of students say that eLearning tools help them to improve their grades.


ELearning Strategy Hospitality And Tourism


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