ELearning Strategy Hospitality And Tourism

Hospitality And Tourism: A Unique Approach To ELearning Strategy

With the growing demands of a digital society, everything from career expectations to working patterns are rapidly evolving.

With that in mind, eLearning is fast becoming an essential component of any training strategy.

In this blog article, we’ll explore why eLearning is so important in today’s digital industry of Hospitality And Tourism and what it means for your organization if you don’t have a plan in place yet.

E-Learning (eLearning) is an online learning tool used by individuals or organisations to instruct learners on topics that might otherwise be difficult to learn through traditional methods such as lectures or prescribed reading materials.

Social Learning (SL) refers to the process of interacting with other people as opposed to reading about or watching information through a video when it comes to learning new things.

In other words, social learning takes place when people are exposed to new ideas and concepts together.

By 2017, around 77% of corporations will have adapted elearning and The Hospital and Tourism will not stay behind.

ELearning Strategy Hospitality And Tourism

What is eLearning for Tourism and Hospitality?


E-Learning is usually a combination of online learning and distance learning.

In the context of tourism and hospitality, this typically means that learners will have access to course content, quizzes, assessments and feedback that they can use at their own pace.

Learners are able to choose when, where and how they learn. With the ability to access tools that make elearning course creation and management easier, eLearning is quickly becoming the most effective way for organizations to deliver learning.

eLearning is designed to support a variety of learning styles, needs and styles of learners.

While traditional classroom-based learning might work well for some people, others prefer to learn from more informal methods. Whatever your learning style might be, eLearning can be designed to meet your needs.

Hospitality And Tourism Industry eLearning


In the hospitality and tourism industry, there is a constant need to stay up-to-date on new trends and technologies.


This is due to the fact that the industry is constantly changing, with new laws and regulations, as well as emerging technologies driving change. Because of this, there is a need to continuously upgrade eLearning strategies for hospitality and tourism to meet the needs of the learners.

Another factor that is likely to have an impact on eLearning strategies is the rise in popularity of Video Base Learning. eLearning video is perfectly adapted to hospitality and tourism

Benefits :

·       On demand and on going training

·       Knowledge platform

·       Visual and video support adapted to the profession

·       Fast Onboarding

·       Brand development

hospitality and tourism and Learning Management System

Why eLearning Is Vital For Tourism and Hospitality?


More than two-thirds of the growth in the global workforce between 2022 and 2030 will be in the business services sector (Tourism and Hospitality).

This growth will be driven by the need for better management of skills, technology and people.

For organisations in this sector of Tourism and Hospitality, eLearning is a vital tool for managing the increasing skill needs of the workforce as it opens up new opportunities for recruitment and training.

If employees can learn at their own pace, they are more likely to use new technologies and stay up-to-date with new developments. As the demand for tourism and hospitality services rises, so do the requirements for operational staff.

This includes employees like :

  1. pilots,

  2. skycaps,

  3. chefs,

  4. waiters,

  5. managers and tour guides


Who are required to have very specific skills. Providing these employees with the right training and certification can boost productivity and ensure a quality experience for customers.

Why Adopt With eLearning Strategy?


With the growing use of digital technology and Learning Management System (LMS), learning has become more and more accessible.

Today, we have apps for almost everything in our lives from shopping to travel.

With this increased level of accessibility, the demand for eLearning has also risen exponentially.

As a result, non-eLearning adoption is lagging far behind — leaving organizations that are not able to adopt with eLearning strategy at a huge disadvantage.

Yet many organisations continue to resist the inevitable change in their learning approach.

Let’s look at some of the benefits that adopting an eLearning strategy can bring your organization in Tourism and Hospitality — and why it’s time to give up resistance and embrace adoption today!

Why Adopt With eLearning Strategy?

Benefits of an eLearning Strategy For Tourism and Hospitality


Improves Employee Retention:

With a high turnover rate in the industry, it is essential to ensure that employees stay with a company for as long as possible. With the rising cost of training and certification, this is harder for many workers. eLearning strategies can reduce costs and make it easier for employees to keep up-to-date with new skills and certification requirements.


Reduces Time Investment In Training:

The time and cost of an e-learning course is 40% to 60% cheaper than traditional training. And this on a long-term course strategy online training is by no means comparable and the advantages are enormous.  Without mentioning the sustainable impact! 81% Less than on site training.


Enhances Employee Engagement:

Employees are more likely to be interested in learning new skills if they feel that they are valued and have a purpose for learning the content. eLearning strategies should be designed to put learners first and make sure that employees are able to learn in a positive environment. This can be done by combining information from different sources and adding real-world examples and case studies.

elearning for Hospitality

Checklist for Developing an Effective E-learning Strategy Tourism and Hospitality


Define E-Learners:

This can be done by asking staff about the type of people who use your services, the types of jobs they do, and the skills they need.

Define the Learning Objectives:

This can be done by using a learning objective mapping tool like LOM (Learning Objectives Mapping).


Choose the Best E-Learning Tool:

This is important as it will determine how the content is delivered and how easy it is for learners to follow. Our Learning Management System (LMS) The Learning Lab is adapted for the Tourism and Hospitality. Ask for a Free Demo!


E-Learning Design:

This can be done with the help of content design software like Sketch.


Create a One-Page Plan:

This should be the first step when creating an eLearning strategy. A one-page plan will detail the overall strategy of the eLearning strategy, what content is required, who is responsible for creating it, when it will be released, and who will be responsible for managing it.


Build a Training Culture:

This can be done with the help of training culture assessment tools like Training Culture Cheat Sheet.


Assess Learners Needs:

This can be done with the help of eLearning needs assessment tools.


Deliver Good Quality Content:

This should be done by experts in the field, who have an understanding of the relevant industry, or who have been trained in eLearning.


Use Follow-up:

This should be done by managers and supervisors, who can help learners after the training, and help them with any questions or problems they may have.


Hold Regular Meetings:

These can be done to discuss the progress of the eLearning strategy.


Invest Regularly In Training:

This should be done to ensure that the training strategy is kept up to date, and enough new content is added to the strategy.

Tourism elearning hospitality

Learning Management System for Tourism and Hospitality


Our goal was to give you the ability to customize our Learning Management system LMS to match your specific needs. We wanted to give you the ability to create your course in exactly the way you envisioned. We wanted to produce an LMS that is flexible enough to accommodate your specific education requirements.


With The Learning LAB Slide Builder, creating eLearning courses has never been easier.

Design without limitations:

  • photos,

  • videos,

  • questions,

  • background colours,

  • animated GIFs, etc.

  • Video Test


Video eLearning courses with  Video Assessment with Feedback is at the core of our eLearning programme.

From quizzes to screen-recording live, we have a variety of video choices. It is the most important form of media we focus on.


L'avenir du eLearning se trouve ici. Il est facile de comprendre pourquoi la plateforme eLearning basée sur la vidéo est si attrayante.

Once you've recorded your eLearning video, it is simple to include it into your eLearning programme.

Conclusion, Tourism and Hospitality

E-learning is a popular method of delivering training content, particularly online.

However, it is important to make sure that your e-learning strategy is effective and will meet the needs of your employees.

If you are not sure what you should do, make sure to follow these 10 tips for developing an effective e-Learning strategy.


eLearning Platform and Design


eLearning statistics & key figures