eLearning Platform for Hotel Industry

10 Ways to Improve Your Hotel Business with the Power of eLearning


In today’s competitive hotel industry, eLearning can help you stand out from your competitors.

Whether you manage a national or international hotels chain, eLearning can give you a competitive edge and help you grow your brand.

With so many hotels popping up everywhere, staying on top of the latest hotel trends is more challenging than it used to be.

Even established brands are now challenged by ever-changing market dynamics and new technology that has made staying ahead of the curve increasingly important.

That’s why keeping up with the latest trends and implementing solutions that fit your business model is essential for every hotel operator today.

In this article we will explain how e-learning can have a positive but decisive impact on the training of your team. Which actions will make the difference and which options are expected for a Learning Management System (LMS) dedicated to the hospitality industry.

eLearning Solution for Hospitality

Online Training is key to your operations’ success


Online Training or eLearning is the foundation for all other operations in your hotel business.

You can’t successfully run your operations without it. If you don’t have in-house training available to your employees, then you are essentially outsourcing the job.

You don’t have to be a large hotel chain with thousands of employees to suffer from training issues. In fact, the majority of hotel operators don’t have adequate on-going training programs.

Online Training or eLearning is essential for increasing productivity and employee retention. With employees trained properly, they are more likely to put their best foot forward each and every day. If you can train employees on best practices, they can follow them and help your business grow.

eLearning Benefits:

  • Up to date information

  • Skills development

  • Quality and professionalism

  • Brand development

  • Increase profits

  • Clients satisfaction

If you want to improve retention and increase customer satisfaction, you need to train your employees properly.

Proper online training will help your employees become more efficient and productive. This will in turn allow your organization to provide better services to your guests, increase profits and grow your brand.

eLearning Courses for Hospitality

How to design effective onboarding


The first day of work is one of the most important days of the employee’s life. It’s after this day that employee will start understanding the real value of your business and how much it matters for their career.

If your onboarding experience is ineffective or worse, if it’s unprofessional and annoying, you will lose the trust of your employees and ruin their experience in your company.

If you want to design effective onboarding, first you need to understand what is onboarding and why it’s important for your business. Onboarding is the process of getting your new employees up to speed with your company culture and policies. It’s the initial period of time when employees learn about their new job and become familiar with their new co-workers.

Onboarding Check list:

  • List the needs

  • Understand the challenges

  • Design Personas

  • Organise Assessments

  • Create engaging experience with activities

  • Use Award and badges to give value to the training sessions

The process of effective onboarding will vary depending on the type of business you are in and the industry standards in your area. However, there are some core elements that you need to keep in mind when designing your onboarding experience.

These include:

  • Easy navigation: People are busy, and they want to get things done as quickly as possible. If you make it complicated for them to navigate through your onboarding process, they will simply abandon the process.

  • Clear instructions: Employees want to know why they are doing things. Make sure there are clear instructions and guidelines for them to follow.

  • Great customer service: At the end of the day, your new employees come first. Make sure you have a good customer service system in place to help your employees when they need assistance.

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Onboarding for hospitality

Stay consistent with brand messaging and marketing tactics


If you invest in the right online recruiting solution for your eLearning initiative, you can significantly improve the flow of new talent through your doors. The right technology is essential to make sure your employees are getting the right information, at the right time, and in the right format.

You need to stay consistent with your brand messaging and marketing tactics by incorporating them into your eLearning solution. This will help you create a consistent brand experience across all channels, from digital marketing platforms to your corporate intranet.

Elearning Brand check list:

  • Fonts

  • Colours

  • Message and wording (Copywriting)

  • Images and illustrations

  • Videos and Audios

  • Animation

Incorporating your brand messaging and marketing tactics into your eLearning solution will help you implement a consistent brand experience across all channels, from digital marketing platforms to your corporate intranet.

There are several ways to integrate your content, such as using video, images, and text to create a variety of content for your employees’ learning experience.


Design Premium eLearning Experience


A lot of brands overlook the importance of high-quality eLearning content. After all, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time, right? Wrong.

Unfortunately, the majority of hotel brands are making the same mistakes with their eLearning initiative.

Most brands believe that most of their success comes from the quality of their products, but only a small percentage of their success comes from the marketing strategy behind those products. You can bet that the vast majority of brands are not investing enough time and money into marketing strategy.

eLearning Design Check list:

  • Storyboard

  • Script

  • Mockup

  • Design

  • Animation

  • Test and Improvement

To make sure your brand stands out, you need to design a premium eLearning experience. The best way to design a premium eLearning experience is to work with an experienced eLearning development company like Hotel Business Systems.

A premium eLearning experience is more than just a website with some interesting images and content. A premium eLearning experience is a complete learning experience that includes everything from a user-friendly interface to engaging content and engaging components.


eLearning Solution for Hotel Industry

Video Base Learning


Videos learning have become one of the most popular forms of content used in eLearning. Thanks to the rise of digital marketing, videos have become an incredibly effective way to communicate brand messages, educate customers, and inform employees about company procedures and policies.

Successfully integrating elearning video into your eLearning experience not only helps you deliver a high-quality learning experience, but it also helps you reduce the costs associated with creating these types of content.

If you want to integrate elearning video into your eLearning experience, it’s important to make sure you choose an e-learning platform (LMS) that provides you with all the tools you need to create engaging e-learning content.

To make sure your videos are effective, you need to make sure they follow a few key guidelines.

These include:

  • Make your videos relevant: Your videos need to be relevant for your audience. This will help you avoid falling into the trap of creating the same type of content that everyone is reading online.

  • Make your videos engaging: You can’t just create a video and expect people to watch it. You need to make sure they are engaging, otherwise they will be buried in the sea of information on the internet.

  • Make your videos short: People don’t have a lot of patience when it comes to watching videos online. It’s best if your videos are only a few minutes long.

The Learning Management System (LMS) Learning Lab Video First e-learning platform offers numerous video features:

1/ Interactive Video: Construct your own scenario through a series of choices.

2/ Video Quiz: Add a quiz to your video! It's simple and terribly efficient!

2/ Screen recording: Software training is perfect for video recording

3/ Video Test: Film your presentation or talk and receive feedback

4/ Video Test: Film your presentation or talk and receive feedback

Choice an eLearning Platform for Authoring Tool


When you want to design effective eLearning experiences, you need an e-learning platform (LMS) that allows you to easily create engaging content. The best way to choose an eLearning platform is to research the top platforms used by your industry and then choose the one that best fits your company’s specific needs.

There are several factors that should influence your decision when choosing the best eLearning platform for your organization.

These include:

  • Customization: The best eLearning platforms allow you to customize everything from the user experience to the visual design of your content. This will allow you to create content that is tailored to your brand’s specific needs.

  • Scalability: Another important factor to consider when choosing an eLearning platform is the platform’s scalability. This is essential for companies that want to scale their content creation initiatives over time.

  • Pricing: One of the best ways to choose the best eLearning platform is to look at the pricing model of each platform and select the one that offers the best value for money.


eLearning Solution for Hotel Industry

Embrace data-driven decision-making


One of the best ways to grow your business is to implement strategies that help you stay ahead of the curve. Investing in modern technology is one of the best examples of how to implement this strategy. As the hotel industry continues to evolve, technology is becoming increasingly important.

To stay competitive in the modern market, you need to implement strategies that help you stay ahead of the curve. One of the best ways to implement this strategy is to implement data-driven decision-making.

One of the best ways to implement data-driven decision-making is to implement an effective, modern eLearning initiative. This will allow you to create engaging content that is tailored to your brand’s specific needs.

If you want to implement an effective, modern eLearning initiative, you need to make sure you choose an eLearning platform LMS that allows you to easily create engaging content.

The best eLearning platforms allow you to create content that is tailored to your brand’s specific needs.

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How to design an engaging e-learning


An effective eLearning course is composed of opportunities for learners to be active and engaged throughout the learning process.

Beyond the usual page-turner presentation, an effective eLearning course will provide learners with problem-solving opportunities and practice in a simulated environment.

A good eLearning course can also provide learners with opportunities to be active and engaged. To increase learning transfer, click-to-reveal content should not be present. Interactions should be interesting and desirable.

When there are too many interactions, the user will be distracted and lose interest.

Here are tips to ensure a positive student experience by using meaningful interactions in your eLearning course:

1.  Make your content relevant to the learner's world.

2.  Real life interactions involve making choices and experiencing consequences.

3.  Learning courses must make this content relevant to the learner's environment. For example, they may need to interact with machines, peers, or management.

4.  In addition, learners may need to interact with customers.

5.  Knowing these triggers is crucial to creating meaningful interactions.


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