Content Curation vs. Content Creation in e-learning. Is there a choice to be made?

Elearning Content creation and content curation are both processes of creating content. There is a lot of confusion surrounding the difference between content creation and curation.

They are different in many ways, but they can also be combined to create even more value. E-Learning Content creation and curation work hand in hand, complementing each other rather than competing.



  • Content creators focus on designing e-learning courses, publish video-based learning, writing articles or blog posts that appeal to a wide audience and help their target audience get something valuable out of it.

  • Creating fresh content and posting it to your site or across social media is part of the content creation process. On the other hand, curating content means collecting and publishing e-learning content from other sources.



  • Curation helps you find such valuable content (off the shelf courses) and bring it together into a meaningful article for your readers. It is the process of selecting, organizing, and formatting relevant content based on topic or category so that it’s easy for readers to access and read.

  • Small business owners who don't have much time can benefit from curated content, while content creation can boost e-learning content and e-learning project.


Both processes have different benefits too. Let’s explore the pros and cons of combining them so you can know whether to do it or not.


Content Curation vs. Content Creation in e-learning.

What is content creation for eLearning?


The expression 'content creation' refers to the fresh content on your eLearning Platform.

When it comes to content creation, there are a few terms that you need to understand. "Content" simply means any type of material that can be written, design, produce or recorded.


That includes all eLearning Media and support:

  • Illustration,

  • Graphics

  • Articles,

  • Scenarios

  • Interviews

  • Images,

  • Videos,

  • Blogs,

  • Quizzes

  • Certifications

  • and more.

When it came to eLearning content, this was certainly the original method. The difficulty of staying up to date with elearning content has increased as publishers produce more unique content.

But what sets content creation apart from content curation?

  • First, content curation is the process of selecting, organizing, and formatting relevant content based on topic or category so that it’s easy for readers to access and read.

  • Second, content creation is the process of writing articles or blog posts that appeal to a wide audience and help your target audience get something valuable out of it.


Content Curation vs. Content Creation in e-learning.

What is eLearning content curation?


Finding and utilising eLearning courses already created is all that is required for eLearning content curation.

Content curation is the act of gathering elearning content from other elearning sources and sharing it through your own elearning platform (LMS).

Elearning Content curation can also be the process of selecting, organising, and formatting relevant elearning content based on topic or category so that it’s easy for readers to access and read.


Selecting content is one of the most important aspects of content curation.

You can create an interesting piece of content. Certain subjects can be content curated, such as Microsoft or Photoshop training, but as soon as you touch on human resources or sales enablement, beware!

Each company has its own structure, services, philosophy, values and off the shelf elearning content curated can be a dangerous exercise to say the least.

Select elearning courses based on your target audience, the topic you are writing about, your content length, and your writing style.


Content Curation vs. Content Creation in e-learning.

Combining the processes of eLearning Content Creation and Curation 

When you are creating eLearning content, you are:

  • Writing,

  • Storyboarding,

  • Scripting,  

  • Interviewing

  • Filming

  • Recording

  • And much more.

But when it comes to budget, agenda, content volume for elearning content, you need to organize it in a way that makes it easy for organisation.

This is where content curation comes in. It allows you to add elearning content that are global and not directly related to your company and services as Informatic courses.



You can also invest in hybrid e-learning content such as an e-learning course on sustainability.

A specialist agency will probably have content that is 50% or even 80% adapted to your needs.

So why start from scratch when you need an expert! The scenario is perfect and you are now ready to start the work you do with your company's experts but this time with an external one! Easy


Content Curation vs. Content Creation in e-learning.

Why Should You do Content creation?

Let’s look at why you should create content first.  

Why does content creation have to be done?

There are several reasons why you should create content. First, it helps you build a relationship with your target Learners. When you create content, you are connecting with your readers and sharing your ideas and opinions with them.

You can also adopt Social Learning and involve you learners in the elearning content development!

You can build a relationship with your learners by:

·      Chating

·      Creating forums

·      Organizing webinars

·      Asking for feedbacks

·      Doing assessment

·      …

Second, content creation helps you expand your brand. Having your own original content to post:

  • Employees during onboarding classes

  • Clients for products training  

This is the best ways to expand your brand. Creating content allows you to stand out from the crowd and show your valuable insights to the world.

Benefit of eLearning Content Creation

  • Adapte and unique

  • Can be tested and improved

  • Can be share on your own LMS

  • Tailored and branded

  • Can be constantly improved with new trend like video-based learning, scenario based, social learning

  • Can be work group curated


Content Curation vs. Content Creation in e-learning.

Why Should You do Content Curation?

When it comes to curation, you need to keep in mind why you are doing it in the first place.

I'm going to be direct but I've seen too many cases where the only motivation was to check the boxes... no comment!

So much material or off the shelf content does not work! How can you teach marketing without talking about your own product, your own services. About your company! About your values and branded. 

But you can jump over basic with off the shelf e-learning courses. Or best as already mentioned work on Hybrid content.

You are selecting content from a large variety of sources, organising and formatting it and build your elearning content create on the top of your thin layer of Content Curated elearning courses! This is the plan:

  • Content Curated

  • Hybrid content

  • Content Create elearning courses


Exited! You should be, your job is the best!


Benefits of Content Curation

  • Win time

  • Save money

  • Increase your elearning platform content

  • Increase knowledge to distribute.

  • Create exiting collaboration

  • Connect your company to a community of external experts

Content Curation vs. Content Creation in e-learning.

Content Curation vs. Content Creation in e-learning


At the end of the day, it’s important to know how to create content that helps your target audience get something valuable out of it.


And finally here is my ranking and you do the math and draw you own conclusion based on your own situation and needs :

1.     ELearning Content Creation

2.     Hybrid ELearning Content Creation and Curator

3.     ELearning Curator


It is your turn to work. Be strong 😉


Any feedback or question… Contact me Pascal //@//


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