Video-based Learning Platform
How important is video as a part of your learning strategy?
If you think it’s crucial, then video-based learning is for you. Video-based learning Platform, is an educational technology that puts the learner at the center of the learning circle.
From e-learning courses to questions, our e-learning platform will assist your learners in better:
and recording the information it delivers.
It’s a performance-based format that gives learners access to videos and virtual manipulatives.
Video-based learning platform helps learners by removing some of the cognitive load from other forms of e-learning .
It’s a dynamic online training technique that many experts believe is more effective than traditional methods of teaching and learning.
Read on to know more about video-based learning and why it’s great for your company.
Video-based learning platform
What is video-based learning?
Video-based learning is a virtual training technique during which instructors use videos and virtual environments to guide learners through lessons.
Video-based learning usually consists of short videos and other embedded content, including text, graphics, and interactive exercises.
These are designed to help learners retain and apply new knowledge and skills.
Video-based learning platform is often used as a supplement to other training methods, such as instructor-led training or self-directed learning.
Video-based learning is also sometimes referred to as e-learning 2.0 or media-rich e-learning.
There are many benefits to Video-based learning platform, including an easy-to-use format and the ability to create a personalized learning experience.
More engaging content
Easy to produce:
Interview, webinars, direct record on the platform, animation with voice over
More Memorable
Clear Message
What does a Video-based learning platform look like?
Although Video-based learning platform is a relatively new form of e-learning, it is becoming increasingly popular among businesses. Many corporate training departments use Video-based learning platform, including the following:
1/ Interactive Video: Construct your own scenario through a series of choices.
2/ Video Quiz: Add a quiz to your video! It's simple and terribly efficient!
2/ Screen recording: Software training is perfect for video recording
3/ Video Test: Film your presentation or talk and receive feedback
4/ Video Test: Film your presentation or talk and receive feedback
A Video-Based Learning Platform in few words:
Record directly on the platform
Ask for Video Assessment
Analyse and report
Integrate Social Learning
Organise live video event
Deliver Certifications and Awards
Video-Based Learning Platform
How does Video Base Learning Platform help your employees?
A Video-Based Learning Platform helps employees in a number of ways. It is easier to follow than other learning methods because the videos are engaging and easy to understand.
They also come with quizzes, exercises, and other interactive features that help learners test their skills and knowledge.
Video-Based Learning Platform also reduces workplace distractions and improves workplace satisfaction.
This occurs because employees don’t have to sit through a full-length class.
With video-based learning, they can learn on their own time, at their own pace.
This is especially helpful for employees with busy schedules who might not be able to attend classes.
A video-base e-learning platform support you by offering you all the need features on one click.
Video-based learning platform
Video-based learning platform and other training methods
As we’ve seen, video-based learning is a very beneficial e-learning technique. However, it’s important to note that video-based learning platform isn’t the best learning method for every scenario.
You should use video-based learning when your employees need to learn a specific skill.
For example, if you have a group of employees who needs to know how to use a specific software program, video-based learning is the best choice.
It is important to understand that using video-based learning does not stop you in any matters to include the variety to technique available to design your elearning courses:
Authoring Tool
Scenario based learning
Social Learning
Video-based learning is only a favourite approach not a unique perspective!
Video-based learning platform
Why adapted Video-Based Learning
Video-based learning content may be consumed at times and locations that are convenient for the learners and when they feel learning the most.
Video-based learning is more fun and interactive than dry and passive in-class discussions.
The video is adapted to scenarios or directly supports the message of an expert.
The video can be consumed in a wide variety of conditions.
The video can be paused and adapted to the learner's pace.
Video has no defined format so creativity is required
The video is cost effective!
The video can be viewed without limitation
When learners watch video-based learning content, they understand that they learn the most from it. Images, graphics, animations, and voice all combine to explain complicated material in a visual, graphical, or expressive manner.
Video activate all senses:
Video is Audio, Text, Images, Illustration, Animation, Graphics, Data… The Most complete Multimedia. It can also in integrate in a elearning course design in an authoring tool or SCORM file.
Adapted to the Neurodiversity:
No matter your persona or the format of your brain, video can be approached in a thousand different ways!
No, video is not expensive to produce:
Since the release of all its production software, high quality cameras at aboardable prices and not to mention the features that allow you to create your video directly on our platform so without any cost than your time made available, video-based learning is very cost effective!
Video-based learning Platform
Video-based learning is an e-learning method that uses videos, simulations, and other media to teach skills and help people retain knowledge.
Video-based learning is especially useful for learning a new skill, such as how to use a tool or software program, or for reviewing information.
Video-based learning is a dynamic online training technique that many experts believe is more effective than traditional methods of teaching and learning.
Video-based learning often consists of short videos and other embedded content, including text, graphics, and interactive exercises.