10 Features LMS with an Authoring Tool


A Learning Management System (LMS) has several features that differentiate between a common elearning platform and one that genuinely helps employees improve their skills, performance, and productivity. 

The best LMS platforms have an authoring tool to create custom layout, unique courses, engaging quizzes, highly branded content, Premium Design and more with easy-to-use drag-and-drop features and simple visual interfaces. 

With so many elearning platforms on the market, it can be hard to know which one will work best for your team or organization. To help you find the right one, here are the best features of an LMS with an authoring tool.


Knowledge Testing

A Learning Management Platform LMS with an authoring tool like TheLearning LAB promotes knowledge testing and assessment by allowing you to test your eLearning course before publishing it.

  • While some eLearning platforms incorporate quiz features, a proper authoring tool will allow you to add questions, answers, images, sounds, and more to create dynamic tests catered to your specific content.

  • This is perfect for passing along valuable knowledge while reducing learners 'inertia.' Are they testing their knowledge, or is your learner simply trying not to fail?

  • With an authoring tool, you will know whether or not learners are absorbing what they have been taught. If so, then that is a good sign that they are learning!

Interactive elearning Videos

A Learning Management System LMS with an authoring tool like TheLearning LAB offers interactive videos to help newbies get familiar with your brand, its offerings, and how they can best benefit. 

  • The more friendly you make your training material, the more likely users will stick around (and take action).

  • This way, you are not only presenting quality information but also fostering a sense of community that reinforces a user's connection to your brand. 


Mobile learning

The mobile device market is growing at an astonishing rate, causing a big shift in how people learn.

Technology like eLearning course design and TheLearning LAB's learning management system (LMS) with an authoring tool can make it easier to create interactive, engaging eLearning content that learners can access anytime, anywhere.

You can offer training on new policies or procedures without requiring employees to come into a physical location, creating a better experience for everyone involved.


The most obvious and powerful feature of TheLearning LAB is its built-in authoring tool.

Collaboration with other authors, instructors, or subject matter experts within an organization is possible with an Learning Management System LMS bundled with an authoring tool.

You will also see immediate benefits to collaboration when using TheLearning LAB for eLearning content development.

  • Your project teams will be able to work in parallel by taking advantage of a collaborative revision system that allows all users to see changes as they are made.

  • This saves precious time during content creation, speeding up processes like scenario testing, reviews, etc.


Creative Learning Management Platform with a Powerful Authoring Tool.

TheLearning LAB


Mobile learning

The mobile device market is growing at an astonishing rate, causing a big shift in how people learn.

Technology like eLearning course design and TheLearning LAB's learning management system (LMS) with an authoring tool can make it easier to create interactive, engaging eLearning content that learners can access anytime, anywhere.

You can offer training on new policies or procedures without requiring employees to come into a physical location, creating a better experience for everyone involved.


The most obvious and powerful feature of TheLearning LAB is its built-in authoring tool.

Collaboration with other authors, instructors, or subject matter experts within an organization is possible with an Learning Management System LMS bundled with an authoring tool.

You will also see immediate benefits to collaboration when using TheLearning LAB for eLearning content development.

  • Your project teams will be able to work in parallel by taking advantage of a collaborative revision system that allows all users to see changes as they are made.

  • This saves precious time during content creation, speeding up processes like scenario testing, reviews, etc.


Scenario-Based Learning Activities

As a tool for Learning Management System LMS with an authoring tool like TheLearning LAB, scenario-based learning is a smart way to move learners through training. And it offers several major benefits: You can create elearning content faster than ever before and customize it with an easy-to-use authoring tool

Your scenarios can help you assess skill mastery and elearning course completion so your organization gets better data. This kind of elearning strategy also helps learners retain information longer—after all, they act out specific events in real-time. 

And these kinds of assessments can be reused across elearning courses or training and passed on to others who need to learn how to handle a similar situation at some point down the road.

Different learning styles

A Learning Management System LMS with an authoring tool like TheLearning LAB integrates different learning styles into each course. The most common learning styles are: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. 

This means you can build a elearning course that will appeal to all three types of learners. For example, in your authoring tool, you could add video, audio clips, graphics, or even create exercises for your learners to get their hands on whatever it is they are learning about.

Layout Options:

  • Videos

  • Images

  • Text

  • Quizzes

  • Drag and drop

  • Background

  • Text formating

  • Colours formating

  • Animation

  • Editable

  • Podcast

  • Voice over

  • SCORM Files

  • and much more 

Then you can decide if you want everyone to be presented with just one type of content or present several different ways for your users to interact with it.

Because you have control over exactly how each lesson is presented in your eLearning Platform, you have complete flexibility in meeting all learners' needs and keeping them interested!


Gamification elements

Gamification elements in an eLearning Platform or LMS with an authoring tool like TheLearning LAB are powerful because they give learners a fun way to set and reach goals. 

When you include gamification elements in your Learning Management System LMS, you can reward users for taking specific actions by giving them virtual points.

You can also take it one step further and provide badges for mastering specific skills. 

A well-developed system lets users track their progress over time; they can see how much progress they have made from day one and track their continued growth.

Gamification elements like these make it easier for learners to keep pushing themselves and will help create a user base that is more engaged than ever before.

Brandable and customizable

While there are many Learning Management System LMS providers on the market, TheLearning LAB is unique in that it offers an authoring tool. This means you can customize your elearning platform LMS with your look and feel and include brandable elements. 

It is easy to create a system that directly reflects your organization's branding with customizable features. Making your elearning platform LMS as professional-looking as possible is important in increasing its usefulness to employees.

 While a Learning Management System LMS with an authoring tool may not be as simple or intuitive as others, you will get much more control over how users access information and use their training material—and that control could easily be worth a little extra time and effort at setup.


Internal messaging

A Learning Platform System LMS with an authoring tool like TheLearning LAB offers internal messaging.

The main purpose of internal messaging is to get everyone on board with a change or new elearning initiative. Team members can send messages to colleagues, learners, or both. 

If a team member needs help from another, internal messaging allows them to reach out without clogging up Slack or email inboxes.

They will have to file support tickets on most other elearning platform or LMSs; at TheLearning LAB, they can use internal messaging instead. 


Imagine a scenario where you can make decisions during an LMS scenario. You don't have to be limited by branching options that let you follow one path. Each branch has its timeline. 

Imagine Photoshop feature in your LMS that enable you to manage you design directly within the structure.

You do not need to use SCORM anymore, you can design and animate your design directly within you LMS and update it in one click!

Shared document library

A shared document library is a feature that makes it easy to coordinate between authors. You can create and edit documents, workbooks, quizzes, assessments, or even entire courses from one central location.

This means that course content is being worked on by multiple people simultaneously without friction or confusion—and it makes changing course material quick and easy.

A LMS with an authoring tool like TheLearning LAB offers a shared document library as an essential feature because you will want to be able to take advantage of all its resources (videos, graphics, text, etc.) in conjunction with each other to optimize your learning experience—and that is just what a shared document library allows you to do. 


Automatic transaltion

A Learning Management System LMS with an authoring tool like TheLearning LAB offers automatic translation with Deepl Key.

Automated translation is a great option for organizations with a truly international audience or those concerned about producing content in languages other than their own. 

Templates and  duplicate course

A Learning Management System LMS with an authoring tool like TheLearning LAB offers templates and duplicate courses to save time creating eLearning content.

Instead of creating and editing a new elearning course every time you need one, you can simply create it once and duplicate it when you are ready to use it again.

Templates will give learners a familiar, easy-to-navigate environment that looks professional and lets them focus on their training.

Manage your audience

A Learning Management System (LMS) with an authoring tool like TheLearning LAB helps your organization create, launch and share eLearning content quickly with your team or an entire audience.  


  • API

  • Audiences

  • Branching

  • Data and Analytics

  • Dashboards

  • Awards and Badges

  • Certifications

  • Learning Path

  • Batching

  • One to One calls

  • Social learning…


TheLearning LAB is the best LMS with an authoring tool.

 TheLearning LAB has the best eLearning content capabilities with the best authoring tool for Learning Management System or LMSs.

Easy to use, easy to learn, easy to publish.

TheLearning LAB provides a full suite of learning management system features and training management tools, including course creation, video hosting, etc. Creating courses and populating them with interactive multimedia content using our drag-and-drop authoring tool is simple.

Learning becomes more effective when it is engaging and enjoyable—and that is what TheLearning LAB can provide for your organization.

What is an eLearning Authoring Tool?


How To Design An eLearning Course for sport