How To Design An eLearning Course for sport


Creating an eLearning course for sports organizations can be a daunting task, especially if you are new to eLearning.

However, a leading provider of world-class eLearning services for sport organizations, TheLearning LAB, has put together key steps that can help anyone create and deliver engaging eLearning content that will empower your learners to achieve their goals and make meaningful contributions to sports.

TheLearning LAB's online courses allow you to maximize the benefits of eLearning at a fraction of the cost of classroom training.

By integrating gamification into your learning management system, you can increase engagement and retention while reducing costs.


Start with a thorough research

Before you start designing your course, it is vital to conduct thorough research of all available Elearning tools, an analysis of your target audience, define what content will be needed and who will provide it, and determine how to make all those pieces work together. 

Only then can you start with a designing process. If not, you will face an unpleasant result: sports players and coaches without the skills they need to perform well in sports events.

Have a clear learning objective.

To design an Elearning course for a sports federation, you should clearly understand your goals and objectives.

As a sports organization, you must know exactly what your want the athletes and coaches to learn from these online training programs. 

For example - starting a new health education program for soccer players might begin with one or more elearning objectives. You may have an elearning objective that addresses injury prevention, or perhaps another one to ensure player safety and awareness regarding regulations and policies concerning head injuries. 

These elearning objectives can then be broken down into smaller units and steps.

This will help you create a clear educational plan for athletes new to their team and teach those who have been playing for some time about something different.


Choose an outstanding eLearning platform

Many eLearning platforms are available, but few cater to sports organizations like TheLearning LAB. We've got you covered whether you want to create an eLearning course for your sports federation or sports league

We build custom courses for sports organisations of all sizes, and our Learning Management System or LMS is perfect for creating engaging interactive eLearning content.

There are many cool features, like allowing users to download their certificates instantly after completing a course.

Your learners can have those digital badges and certifications up on their walls in seconds.

Create your storyboard for your sports eLearning course

Storyboarding is a core component of eLearning course design that involves visually presenting learners with content in a linear and logical sequence.

Create your storyboard so that you can present topics in sequential order, enabling learners to follow along with each point from beginning to end quickly.


Use images, videos, and other multimedia

Elearning content development for sports organizations is more than just writing eLearning materials and publishing them online; it is also about ensuring that learners have everything they need to complete their courses, which may mean integrating videos and multimedia learning objects or a community forum. 

With proper planning of your eLearning course for sports organizations, you should be able to save time and money and get better results from your learners.

Tell a story

When creating eLearning courses for sporting organizations, it is vital to tell a story so that it speaks to both novice and veterans alike.

Be genuine and tell an inspiring story that anyone can relate to. This can be done through videos, images, interactions, and sounds, which are all important when creating an effective elearning course.

Create characters (even if they don't exist) and create a context that allows your audience to learn from their elearning experiences and relate to their own experiences.

If you know your audience will all have a shared understanding of some piece of information or elearning experience, use it as part of your storytelling; if not, make sure you educate them along the way before moving on.


Make it visual

Visual learning has shown a higher retention rate when compared to traditional text-based or auditory training, so it is essential to ensure that your course design makes sense for visual learners.

Consider how to present your ideas visually, what visuals you will use, and whether there are specific courses for certain sports organizations for which you will be designing an Elearning course.

For example, if your client runs a football club, they may want to include sports science as part of their training curriculum. 

To develop an Elearning course on sports science-related topics such as aerodynamics, you can use relevant images of footballers doing various drills with balls.

This will help develop a more engaging and interactive learning experience while still educating the learner on all they need to know about aerodynamics.

Include assessments and quizzes

When learning is a game, it attracts learners and keeps them engaged and wanting to know more.

Since learning can be driven by curiosity, self-motivation, or external motivation (peer pressure), including quizzes in your Elearning course for sport can help identify areas that could use some extra attention for specific people.

By addressing their needs first, these learners can get through your course with minimal resistance from themselves or others.


Go with the flow

As you design your eLearning course for sport, remember that the flow is different for each sport and each game within each sport. 

Go with the flow when creating an eLearning course. Imagine yourself as a participant in a sports activity, and design your eLearning course as if you were playing that sport or having those experiences.

Create a prototype for your Sport eLearning course

The prototype is a tool to assess your planned eLearning course for sport against its original design.

It will help you to find potential problems with your eLearning course for sport, such as unclear objectives or incorrect explanations that could stop a learner from achieving their learning outcomes. It helps you identify and understand any issues before creating a final eLearning course for sport.


Perform a Beta review of the Sport eLearning course

Beta testing allows you to get feedback on the elearning course content and design before delivering it to learners.

You can ask people to complete a survey, watch a sport elearning video recording of their experience, or have them talk you through what they encountered. In most cases, the end-user (learner) is your primary reviewer—and that's usually for two reasons. 

For one, it is more natural for them to review the content because they know why they're there in the first place; second, asking reviewers who are motivated by an interest in your product (in this case, a learning experience) will encourage better responses than people who were chosen at random from a pool of applicants.

Make final corrections to your eLearning course.

If you are designing your eLearning course, your next task is to make final corrections to your eLearning course. This may include adding more images or text and audio files, ensuring that you have an adequate number of questions and that they are relevant to your topic. 

You should also ensure that you follow a logical progression throughout your eLearning course, keeping in mind that the main purpose of eLearning is to teach rather than entertain.


Test the eLearning Course on your customer's system.

If you are developing a course specific to one company's technology, you must test it there. Also, make sure to test on mobile devices, like iPhones and iPads.

Publish the eLearning course

After the eLearning course for sports, federations are ready to be used. It should be published on the web and advertised.

The learning management system will usually have a way to automatically schedule elearning courses to launch and go live at specified dates and times.


Evaluate your eLearning course for sports

Remember that eLearning courses are meant to help employees get things done.

  • Once you've designed your eLearning course for sport, you need to evaluate it and track the return on investment.

  • You should measure completion rates, the number of tasks completed, and the time employees take to complete tasks when using the elearning course.

This will show you how much value employees get from your eLearning course for sports.

At TheLearning LAB, we can create high-quality eLearning courses for sports federations

TheLearning LAB eLearning design and development team can create and deliver digital learning experiences for your sports organizations.

  • We start by focusing on goals, strategy, and business drivers for every course we build.

  • Then we work with you to create engaging stories, industry-leading instructional methods, relevant game-based activities, and interactive exercises that add value to your sports organization.

TheLearning LAB has delivered more than 1000 eLearning courses for professional sports organizations. Our eLearning courses are as effective as they are engaging – which is why we are among industry leaders in reducing training time while increasing retention rates across sports organizations worldwide.

Get in touch today!  


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Elearning Course Design Agency