Knowledge sharing, The Ultimate Guide

Knowledge sharing is a strategic process and an ongoing culture that optimizes the transfer of knowledge, insights, and best practices within an organization.

It’s also more than just distributing documents or sending around links to helpful websites. Knowledge management is the set of processes, systems, and strategies used to capture, store, identify, analyze, and retrieve information resources for business efficiency and effectiveness.


  • Learning Experience Platform

  • User Generated Content

  • Blogging and Articles

  • Social Learning

  • Chat and Forum


Knowledge sharing involves exchanging information among team members in order to further individual and organizational growth.


The benefits of knowledge sharing are numerous; it fosters collaboration among team members and can increase employee engagement by creating opportunities for them to demonstrate their expertise.


It can also help improve operational efficiencies by shifting the focus from individual performance to team success.


Knowledge sharing

What is knowledge sharing?


Knowledge sharing is the act of disseminating knowledge. Knowledge sharing can be done through traditional means, such as : 

  • Publishing research papers

  • Presenting at conferences,

  • Exchanging ideas with colleagues.

  • Sharing Articles, Videos, documents…

  • Open Discussions


Knowledge sharing can also take place online, between individuals and groups of people who are interested in a particular topic.


By spreading knowledge from person to person or department to department, knowledge sharing can increase the amount of relevant information available in the world and help people to better understand their work and employees mission.


One of the most effective ways for organizations to share knowledge is by creating a culture that values learning and innovation.


This culture can be fostered by creating learning opportunities for employees :

  • Workshops,

  • Conferences,

  • Learning Experience Platform.

And encouraging employees to share knowledge with one another.


Knowledge sharing

What is the benefit of Knowledge Sharing?


The most obvious benefit of knowledge sharing is increased productivity.


The sharing of best practices between team members can help to eliminate redundancy, which can save time and money.


Knowledge sharing can also help provide solutions to problems and issues by making practices, expertise, and information accessible to more people.


It can also help to minimize risk by providing access to information that can help to identify potential issues.


Additionally, knowledge sharing can help to build trust and foster a sense of community within an organization by bringing employees together through the sharing of information.


It can help employees to feel more connected to one another and to the organization as a whole, which can lead to increased:

  • Engagement,

  • Loyalty,

  • And a positive work environment.


Knowledge Sharing

How to Start a Knowledge Sharing Culture


In order to start a knowledge sharing culture, first you must identify the areas in which you want to foster knowledge sharing.


This can include everything from operational practices and engineering best practices to sales and marketing strategy.


Once you’ve identified the information that you want to share, you must then decide how you will share it. You can share information in person, through regular or scheduled meetings, or through virtual or online platforms.


You need to select the right platform to share informations and learning materiels.  

A Learning Experience Platform (LXP) combines the power of an LMS with other critical technologies to create a learning building block. In addition to accessing content, users of Learning Experience Platform (LXP) can also consume it.

·       What is a Learning Experience Platform (LXP)?

·       What are the differences between the LXP and the LMS?

·       Benefits of an LXP

·       Top Learning Experience Platform features

·       User Generated Content (UGC)

·       On Demand eLearning Courses


Learning Experience Platform  (LXP) enable to create more personalised learning experiences by combining learning materials from a variety of sources and support like:

·       Articles,

·       ELearning Courses

·       Documents

·       Webinars

·       Virtual Classroom

·       Discussions

·       Worshop

·       Videos

·       Blogs

·       Vlogs

·       Audio



An Learning Experience Platform ou LXP will allow you to manage your entire employee and customer experience through a single interface.

·       Social learning with discussion

·       Personalised learning based on preference

·       Individual learning paths

·       Learning on demand

·       Supports all media types (video, podcast (audio), webinars, articles / blogs…)

·       Venue social collaboration : blended learning we are on it


You can also create opportunities for employees to share their knowledge outside of scheduled meetings.


For example, you may want to hold “lunch and learns,” where employees share what they’ve learned outside of the workplace or host a “meet and greet” where employees discuss their individual backgrounds and expertise.


Knowledge sharing

Know-how sharing


Know-how sharing is knowledge that is specific to a particular skill, expertise, or subject. This can include industry best practices, research insights, and expertise that team members may have gained while working on a particular project.


While you may want to foster a culture of knowledge sharing, you will also want to encourage know-how sharing, as it’s specific to each employee’s skill set.


Know-how sharing can help to maximize individual expertise, which can be beneficial for the organization as a whole.



·       Internal and external resources

·       Adaptive learning path

·       Collaboration learning

·       Most popular features:

o   Self-directed learning

o   Individual learning plan vs audience

o   Search different type of formats… videos, articles, documents…


Knowledge Sharing

Organizational culture


The culture of your organization plays a significant role in the type of knowledge sharing that takes place. If your organization fosters an open and collaborative culture, you’re more likely to see employees sharing their expertise, insights, and best practices with one another.

  • If your organization is more competitive or closed off, however, you’re less likely to see this type of knowledge sharing take place. It’s important to understand the organizational culture you’re working with so that you can foster a culture of knowledge sharing.

  • If your organization’s culture is more competitive, you may want to consider hosting regular imparting sessions in which employees can share their expertise.

  • If your organization is more collaborative, you may want to create opportunities for employees to work together and help each other solve problems.


Learn more on LXP:


elearning knowledge sharing

Organizational Learning


Organizational learning refers to an organization’s ability to acquire new knowledge and change as a result.


You want to encourage organizational learning in your company for a number of reasons, including increased productivity and better problem-solving.


Cognitive ability includes your:

  • Mental,

  • Emotional,

  • And social capabilities.


You can foster organizational learning by creating opportunities for team members to share their expertise, identify areas for improvement within your company, and attempt to solve issues that impact the organization as a whole.


You can also hold regular meetings in which employees can identify the areas in which they would like to see the organization improve and offer solutions to those problems.


There are many ways to do this, including taking:

·       elearning courses online,

·       reading books,

·       watching educational videos,

·       and going to seminars.



While you may want to encourage knowledge sharing, it’s also important to foster organizational learning to ensure that employees are actively contributing in a meaningful way.


Learn More, How to apply continuous learning:



Summing up


Knowledge sharing is a strategic process and an ongoing culture that optimizes the transfer of knowledge, insights, and best practices within an organization.


It’s also more than just distributing documents or sending around links to helpful websites.


Knowledge management is the set of processes, systems, and strategies used to capture, store, identify, analyze, and retrieve information resources for business efficiency and effectiveness.

Contact us for a workshop or a free demo of our LXP Learning Lab


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