9 Ways to Use Cutting Edge Video To Enhance Online Learning And Training

Elearning is an essential tool for companies that want to reduce employee training costs and develop a better educated workforce.

By using technology, employers can educate their staff without going through great expense in materials or travel time. 

While elearning has been around for quite some time, new methods of video have allowed instructors to create highly engaging courses that help students learn more effectively. 

The following tips will help you use cutting edge video to enhance your online learning and training experience.

Tell an engaging story using elearning videos

When people see a video, they want to be entertained—but they also want something else. They want an experience. An engaging elearning video should tell a story that connects with your target audience on an emotional level. 

If you can do that, then your video won’t just stand out among competitors—it will dominate search results because it will tell viewers exactly what they need and want at that specific moment in time. 

The best eLearning content developers put together captivating stories that help learning professionals incorporate interactive experiences into their training modules. These types of cutting-edge videos enhance eLearning by fostering immersive learning experiences for learners and giving them opportunities to achieve real-world competencies through practice simulations embedded within training modules. 

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Be interactive while creating your elearning video

If your learning and training plan includes video, make sure you include opportunities for learners to interact with it. It’s about more than just watching—your audience wants a chance to respond, too. 

For example, when asking questions of your learners in a Q&A module or polling them on what they want addressed next. This type of interaction is far better at retaining information than passive viewing alone. 

Use annotations in your elearning videos

An annotation is a visual callout that you can add to images, diagrams, and text. They are extremely easy for your audience to consume because they don’t take up much screen space or overwhelm viewers.

 Annotating visuals is a great way for you as an elearning content developer or designer to enhance and break down complex information so your learners easily understand what is being communicated. It makes key information easier to absorb. 

elearning platform

Leverage quizzes and interactivity in your elearning video

As video becomes a common, natural way for people to learn, it also opens up new opportunities for active learning and content development. 

One  favorite way is using quizzes at strategic points during an online course. This gives students a chance to reflect on what they’ve learned and immediately measure themselves against others in their group or class. 

It’s powerful social learning in action—and it will make your course more successful. Quizzes are great, it offers potential for interactivity.

Embed video in blog posts and articles

By creating short, free clips or full-length videos on niche topics, you’ll improve your chances of getting noticed. Create videos and embed them into relevant blog posts and articles on your site. 

Not only does video help boost attention, but it also increases user engagement and promotes further sharing. Make sure though that you don't steal other people's work as that is illegal and could ruin your business forever!

Promote your elearning videos on social media sites

You can promote your elearning videos on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Posting your videos on these sites will not only create interest in them among your target audience but also help you engage with those who have already visited your website.

 If you have previously posted any content related to elearning or online training, you can embed that video into these sites and re-share it with new viewers. This way, you will be able to get more visibility for both of your online learning resources and for yourself as an expert in these fields. 

It's also a good idea to share videos featuring other elearning agencies so that they become part of an engaging conversation about upcoming developments in elearning strategies and technologies.

elearning platform - elearning agency

Focus on quality, not length in your elearning video

In a rush to create more elearning videos, many learning providers fall into a trap of making every video as long as possible. And if there's one thing you should remember when working with an elearning agency, it's that long videos are not necessarily better videos. 

Think about it: if you're truly engaging your audience, how many times have you left a two-hour movie on your DVR? It's likely that short-and-sweet content that resonates is what will work best in online learning and training environments. 

While there is no rule that says your video has to be five minutes or less, using shorter formats can help keep learners engaged and provide useful takeaways for later use.

Optimize your elearning video for search engines

Today, businesses who want their information and services accessible on-demand need to focus on online video marketing. A lot of people now go online to find out how-to’s and step-by-step instructions and can easily come across a competitor's business through search engines. 

Businesses that are serious about keeping up with today’s competition should have a solid social media strategy in place as well as an effective elearning agency that is using cutting edge video technology; after all, it’s not just about being first, it’s about staying relevant. 

Getting started with creating high quality interactive videos will take some time but when they become part of your daily routine you will see how quickly your brand can improve online lead generation!

Test, test, test your elearning video

No matter how slick your elearning video looks, it doesn’t count for anything if your audience finds it boring. That’s why you need to test each video with a small group of people from your target market.

Explain exactly what kind of feedback you want from them and then pay attention to what they say. Maybe there are certain points that could be explained better or even answered with a supplementary video clip.

When you tweak these things in response to feedback, you’ll find that viewers enjoy and understand your content more. 

How can TheLearning LAB Elearning platform help

TheLearning LAB is a great choice for elearning content development and support. The intuitive, easy-to-use interface provides training resources in an effective and innovative way.

For more details on how our platform can help you make your next online training program a success, please contact us today. 

Our elearning specialists will be happy to answer any questions you may have about our range of customizable software tools, live chat sessions or custom one-on-one training sessions that we offer. When it comes to creating your own video content for use with TheLearning LAB, there are a variety of ways that you can do so in order to make your learning resources as effective as possible.


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