How to reduce the Cost of Training while maintaining efficiency.

Controlling your budget is also an opportunity to do more for the training of your employees.

Like everyone else, we have a lot to complete and not only the cost but also the time can be a stress factor.  

But training your staff effectively and with results requires excellent organisation beyond specialised skills.

The average budget per employee is 1,000 euros. So what are the tips for investing in training when faced with such a large expense?

In this article we will cover all the different steps but also technologies and concepts that allow you to control your Training budget while delivering quality training and expecting ROI without missing your objectives.


  • E-Learning benefits

  • Assessment and Data

  • Innovative eLearning Platform : Hybrid LMS / LXP

  • Invest in interaction and create Activities

  • Direct Learning Resources

  • Video-Based Learning

  • Embrace Social Learning

  • Embrace MicroLearning 

I will articulate my approach by focusing on the short term as an echo or mirror to the long-term objectives.


reduce elearning cost and control your budget

E-learning benefits


Learners can interact anytime with their teacher online via e-learning.

On a Learning Management System (LMS) Online learning allows for live and interactive learning through video chat and messages. On the other hand, online learning enables students to learn and communicate with their tutor in real time and through video chat and messages.

Because most of the training information is available online, eLearning is usually thought of as a less costly alternative to physical training. It also lowers travel costs, as employees can access courses from anywhere.

The advantages of online training include the fact that it can reach a large number of people, both around the world and at all hours, as well as being systematised and delivered in a format that can be disseminated to a wide audience.

In comparison to in-person training, there are no travel or venue hire expenses, so it can reach more people, both globally and at all hours.

  • According to research, eLearning can reduce total training time by 40% to 60%. This can help companies save on numerous expenses and also increase productivity and profitability.


elearning benefits

eLearning Assessment and Data analysis


Before any operation it is important to know your audience well and to define precise personas.

It is not a question of putting people in boxes or putting labels on them, but of organising the design of a course without knowing why and for whom you are doing it.

The data provided by your e-learning platform and its analysis should enable you to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your strategies.

It is normal to make adjustments, it is healthy to put yourself in a position of testing, feedback, and improvement.

List :

  • What are the gaps?

  • What are the expectations?

  • What are the needs?

  • What are the returns?

  • What are the ROIs?


eLearning Assessment and Data analysis

Innovative eLearning Platform : Hybrid LMS / LXP


The selection of your Learning Management System (LMS) will have a great influence on the way you work and organise yourself.

It is important not to opt for just one SCORM course publishing tool. You need much more to work without limitations.

Especially since SCORM is an interesting format but it can be expensive and it certainly does not offer any flexibility in its ability to update its content.


Here is a list of options not to be missed:

  • Authoring Tool Integrated and owned

  • Video-Based Learning

  • Automatic translation

  • Library that support : video, audio, pdf, words, ppt, zip…

  • Learning Path

  • LXP Feature: blog, article, share

  • Chat, Forum, Virtual Class Room

  • Integrated Project Management Tool for elearning

  • Audience and Learning Management System

  • Quiz, Certification, Award, Badges… and Leaderboard

  • Tracking and Report


For more information do not hesitate to ask for a free Demo of Our Solution the Learning Lab.

Innovative eLearning Platform : Hybrid LMS / LXP

Invest in interaction and create Activities


Following Cathy Moore's model, it is important to have a clear understanding of the purpose and mission of each course. 

Using action mapping techniques, you can create engaging and effective learning experiences for your audience.

It is frequently used in gamification and eLearning to create game-like activities, incentives, and objectives for learners.

List :

  • What are the issues?

  • What are the challenges?

  • How to resolve it?

  • What are our ROI?

  • What activities are needed?

  • How to measure success?


An action-mapping framework can be used by designers to identify the most significant performance problem and develop a precise solution quickly.

It is critical to think about how to put learners in a pro-active position with the content when designing courses.

Invest in and Learning Experience Platform (LXP) for Direct Learning Resources


In LXP, the learner is central to the information-building activities, and social learning is definitely oriented towards collaborative and information-sharing spaces.

The concept is also to leave the learner free to choose his or her fields of investigation and knowledge development.

He is a responsible person and decides when and what to learn. But moreover he participates in the enrichment of the platform by sharing documents and articles with his colleagues.

  1. Courses,

  2. Discussions,

  3. Exchange and sharing

  4. Blogs and Articles

  5. External links...

Check list :

  1. Social learning with discussion

  2. Personalised learning based on preference

  3. Individual learning paths

  4. Learning on demand

  5. Supports all media types (video, podcast (audio), webinars, articles / blogs…)

  6. Venue social collaboration : blended learning we are on it


The eLearning sector is welcoming participatory content and embracing the global community.


Learn More:

Video First eLearning

Video-Based Learning


Using video and virtual environments, instructors guide learners through lessons using video-based learning.


Short videos are usually used in video-based learning, along with other embedded content including text, graphics, and interactive exercises.

  1. Interactive Video: Construct your own scenario through a series of choices.

  2. Video Quiz: Add a quiz to your video! It's simple and terribly efficient!

  3. Screen recording: Software training is perfect for video recording

  4. Video Test: Film your presentation or talk and receive feedback

A Video-Based Learning Platform in few words:

  1. Record directly on the platform

  2. Ask for Video Assessment

  3. Analyse and report

  4. Integrate Social Learning

  5. Organise live video event

  6. Deliver Certifications and Awards


With a tool like the Learning Lab LMS it is easy and inexpensive to create and share interesting, informative and clear video content.


Video-based learning is more fun and interactive than dry and passive in-class discussions.

  1. The video is adapted to scenarios or directly supports the message of an expert.

  2. The video can be consumed in a wide variety of conditions.

  3. The video can be paused and adapted to the learner's pace.

  4. Video has no defined format so creativity is required

  5. The video is cost effective!

  6. The video can be viewed without limitation


Learn More :


Social Learning

Embrace Social Learning 

Social learning is a process in which learners are involved in the development of e-learning content.

List :

  1. Online courses

  2. Discussions

  3. Document exchange

  4. Virtual Classroom

  5. Classroom courses

  6. Brainstorming

  7. Repeat


Humans learn through observation, imitation and reproduction, so the principle of social learning is to immerse learners in an immersive experience enriched by discussions, documents and feedback.

The adoption of a social learning platform will enable you to achieve the following

  • Better communication within the company

  • Increased motivation and involvement

  • Develop the notion of self-learning and the search for knowledge and therefore personal development

  • Better retention of information

  • Better knowledge of the company as a whole

  • A reduction in turnover by reinforcing a positive company culture.


Learn More :

MicroLearning and Nugget Learning

Embrace MicroLearning


MicroLearning sounds like old-fashioned advice, but the principle, which is also synonymous with Nuggets Learning, is too often forgotten in course development processes.


Microlearning refers to learning units that are small and short-term in nature. Learning processes that take place in a mediated environment are known as microlearning.


Learning nuggets are standalone microlearning activities, usually less than 5 minutes in length, that vary in size and scope that learners pursue in a specific context in order to achieve specific learning objectives. A learning nugget task will either be assessed or not.

Applied its principles to the creation of e-learning content.

Research says microlearning increases focus and supports long-term retention by up to 80%. And microlearning also increases engagement by 50%


How to reduce the Cost of Training


With our eLearning platform (LMS) you have all the features you need to manage and develop content while optimising your project costs.

Video-based Learning, Onboarding, Assessment, Social Learning, User generated Content, LXP features, ELearning Project management Tool…


The Learning Lab is centralized eLearning Platform to help you in your challenging mission.


Me stay at your disposition for a Free Workshop and Demo.


How to use Microlearning and nuggets Learning?


The Future Of Sport: E-Learning Platform For Video Based Learning