How to select an eLearning Platform?

Well, there are LMS and LMS! What??!!

Do you need a eLearning Platform that lets you just publish scorm courses and simple layouts or do you need an eLearning platform that lets you manage the creation of your elearning courses, the design of the structure of your pages, apply your brand from fonts to colours...

Do you need also a Learning Management Platform LMS that lets you manage your payments, certifications, assessments, video quizzes, manage your e-learning projects at every stage and manage communication with your learners? Of course you do…

You see there are a lot of questions to ask and you have to be careful about what you also may need in the future!

Also it is important to be able to discuss with the owner company in order to make the functionalities evolve according to your needs.

It is perfect to ask the tricky questions like: are you really the owner of your Authoring Tool?

In short in this article we will list the important features and the questions you should ask yourself before to select a Learning Management System LMS!

elearning platform check list

elearning platform check list

What is an eLearning Platform?

E-learning platform allows learners to participate in online training courses.

E-learning allows learners to complete educational objectives with ease and flexibility as opposed to traditional classroom-based learning.

Audio and video lectures, presentations, assessment, assignments, polls, surveys, reading materials, and multiple choice answer questions are among the common course content available.

An LMS is used to publish the courses online. Course instructors may streamline their e-learning course material using an LMS, allowing learners to access it in just one location.

E-learning has been studied and found to have significant impacts in a number of situations, including in addition to the appropriate policies, infrastructure, professional development, and curricula it features.

Authoring Tool for eLearning Platform

An Authoring Tool to fully Design And Brand your content

Are you looking for an elearning authoring tool that will help you create engaging lessons that will keep your users engaged throughout the elearning course?

If so, then look no further than the Authoting Tool!

Here is a quick list of our features:

  1. Layout Builder

  2. Custom Branding

  3. Integrated Image Gallery

  4. Template Gallery

  5. Integration of multimedia (audio, image, video)

  6. Animation

  7. Video First Solution with video quiz

  8. And much more

With the Authoting Tool, you can easily and quickly create engaging elearning courses that will keep your users engaged and excited to learn more.

The Authoting Tool comes with everything you need to create engaging elearning courses:

Whether you're a seasoned elearning pro or just starting out, the Authoting Tool will make it easy for you to create engaging elearning courses that will get your users excited to learn more.

Learn more

Video Base eLearning Platform

Video.base eLearning Platform

Video first elearning platform are with no doubt the future!

You need to look for learning experience so for an elearning platform where you can create engaging learning content!

Video-base elearning platform is now a must.

With our easy-to-use software, you can create, upload and share engaging elearning courses with engaging video content.

Whether you're looking to enhance your knowledge or share your expertise with others, our video-base elearning platform is the perfect place to do it.

The Learning Lab Video First eLearning platform has been specially design for:

  1. Onboarding

  2. Sale enablement

  3. Product presentation

  4. Virtual class

  5. Video speech exercise

  6. Technical presentation

  7. 3D objects…

And if that's not enough, our platform comes with a host of other features that will make your life easier.

For instance, you can easily create, upload and publish your elearning course with our project management tool.

Furthermore, our elearning platform comes with a student dashboard that keeps track of your students' progress and provides them with valuable insights.

To top it all off, our eLearning platform is fully compliant with global standards and regulations, ensuring that your learners are fully prepared for the real world.

So whether you're looking to enhance your knowledge or share your expertise with others, look no further than Video-base elearning platform. We've got what you need!

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Video Quiz

Video Quiz

Quizzes Management

It is only natural to raise the issue of elearning quizzes and their management in your future new elearning Platform (LMS).

An e-learning platform is not only there to pass on information but also to evaluate it.

For the sake of simplicity and clarity, here are the features you will need to manage your project:

  • Question bank,

  • Video Quiz

  • Description

  • Leaderboard points

  • Selective looking

  • Fully custom catalogue and dashboard

  • Branches

  • Scheduled content

  • Automatic reminder

  • Automatic continue to…


  • Pass rate and Number of attempts

  • Question order: ramdon

  • Quiz timer

  • Screen recording

  • Override quiz evaluation type: Result at the end or directly…

  • Timeout handling / Result is calculated even upon timeout…

  • Non Mandatory

  • Certification, badges, Award…

The Quit can be also part of activities inside of a lesson.

The quizzes need also to be fully design with you colours, fonts and images.

Also You need to have a wide range of questions types:

  • Multichoice

  • Matching

  • Ordering

  • True and False

  • Video test

  • Interactive video

  • Fill the blanks

  • buckets…

Brand matter for the learner experience it is important to via the design experience to evaluate the usability of the solution!

Webinars and Digital Event

your future e-learning platform should have a high degree of visual customisation for better promotion of your webinar or virtual classroom.

It should of course be possible to add an image but also a link to the session in the past webinar section. In order to see the session again or to miss it.

In addition to the title you should be able to add a full description edited by a rich text editor (bold, italic, bullet point...)

Here is a list of features not to be missed:

  • Webinar date

  • Time Zone

  • Instructors in charge and search fonction

  • Reference section with search (courses)

  • Webinar serie for digital events

  • Set Hours and minutes

  • Password

  • Attendee management with a queue system

  • Add to calendar

  • Ask question

  • Share session links

    As Mention mention The option of webinar series is important to organise a digital event around one topic with multiple webinars.

Project Management Tool

The Project Management Tool is full feature to manage on the same platform the various phases of your projet.

Your team will exchange discuss and communicate on the same system that will publish the course. This is a unique option our our solution Learning LAB LMS:

A Quick Guide to Using a Project Management Tool for E-Learning New learning management systems continue to emerge, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. That’s why it’s important for e-learning professionals to understand the features of each to

Project management tools can make it easier to develop new e-learning courses, market them effectively, monitor learners’ progress and scale production as demand increases.

  • Plan,

  • Manage,

  • Share,

  • Design,

  • Chat,

  • Validate

  • And track the progress of all stages of any project.

To learn more about how project management tools can help your organisation build better e-learning programs, read on below.

Learn More

Libray and Glossary

Make sure that your e-learning platform has a library with the necessary functionalities for good project management but also for distributing documents to your communities of learners.

You must be able to download all kinds of documents: PPT, Words, excel, videos, audios....

These documents must be visible in the library but also attached to a course.

In addition, a glossary allows you to manage your definitions and each referred word is identified in the text with a pop up displaying its definition. Simple and efficient!

User Management

You will be managing communities of learners with some complexity.

So check before you sign your contract that you have its important and sometimes vital features:

  • API and sigle signon

  • Bulk add users

  • Audiences Management

  • Brand and white label branches

  • Roles Management

  • Audit Log

  • Download data

  • Complexe filtering system:

    • Activities

    • User parameters

    • User progress

    • Quiz data

    • Assessement

    • Relocation

  • Internal communcation

  • Automatic notification

Your e-learning platform is not only a publishing tool, it must also manage all your activities.

Authoring Tool And Page Builder

Authoring Tool And Page Builder

Page Builder

You will have to manage unique pages so you need a page builder to build custom pages to promote certain content or even your landing page as a website!

Multi Language and Automatic Translation

Make sure that the administration of your elearning platform can be displayed in all the languages of your choice.

Also an indispensable tool is the automatic translation! Quick and efficient, you only need to proofread.

Also check that you can add languages like Chinese or even Vietnamese if necessary.

Check list before selection an e-learning Platform

You understand that choosing an e-learning platform is not an easy task and the complexity of the solutions makes your task difficult.

Our elearning platform Learning LAB LMS has all the features listed in this article and more.

Our solution is also supported by a team of content developers with over 40 experts!

Contact us for a free demo!


Video-based eLearning Platform


Creative ideas for e-learning Project