What are the benefits of scenario-based learning?

Scenario-based learning is an educational technique that uses games to engage learners and spark their interest.

The goal is to make the abstract world of learning more approachable, allowing learners to get a better understanding of concepts through outside lenses—like gaming.

Scenario-based learning makes use of real-life experiences or situations in order to offer practical applications or examples around a particular topic.

Therefore, it helps learners understand concepts much better by providing them with outside examples and visual representations of what they’re trying to learn.

These real-life scenarios also help put ideas into perspective and give learners an idea of what they’d be like in the future if they pursue certain careers or pursue education in certain fields.

That being said, scenario-based learning isn’t just for those who want to pursue a particular career; it can be used by students pursuing any subject matter as well.


What are the benefits of scenario-based learning?

1 - Increasing motivation
2 - Real-life decision making
3 - Creating an authentic experience

I'm sure you remember the books where you were the hero, you felt like a superhero who saved his friends, you just wanted to read more!

There is no secret, the more you involve the learner, the more they feel concerned and motivated. In these scenarios-based learning the speech will be adapted, it will touch your own emotions, you will be able to project your learner in his role.

What does scenario-based learning look like?

Scenario-based learning is when you take real life situations from your field of study and use them to help explain concepts—in a game kind of way.

  1. Branded

  2. Avater

  3. Learner Name

  4. Company values

  5. Voice and face of the agency


Why is scenario-based learning important?

Scenario-based learning is important because it breaks down complex subjects and makes them approachable.

By taking real-life examples, you can show the relevance of a certain topic in the broader context of people’s lives.

  1. Real life exemple

  2. Adapted to the organisation

  3. Answer employees questions

  4. Evolve

  5. Involve the community

For example, if you’re studying economics, you could look at the impact of economic policies to help show how these policies impact the lives of people in those countries.


scenario-based learning

The Best Benefits of Scenario-Based Learning


Branded, Philosophy and values

Brand Matters and scenario-based learning by nature involves the design of customised e-learning courses tailored to the needs of your organisation.

We are not in the business of off the shelf industrialised content. It is therefore possible to brand the content and ensure that your designs are in line with the values. I'm going to be blunt here but off the shelf content doesn't work.

It's a heart, it's just ticking the boxes. The only way is to build unique content that is close to the real teaching needs


Learner engagement

The value of scenario-based learning lies in its ability to engage learners through brain stimulation.

This type of learning encourages learners to think critically, which leads to decisions based on what they've learnt. When employees are emotionally engaged by a story, it is a good way to ensure their attention.


scenario-based learning

Custom, personalised and authentic experience

A story, people, and decision-making applications are created by using graphics and interactivity.

A realistic situation is engaged in immediately, and a significant training experience is provided. An actual scenario is directly linked to an employee's job, and it also supports business objectives and strategies.

To help the learner recall the information, scenario-based questions and answers are developed which include images, videos, and other media. A visually appealing and interactive learning experience may be generated by including images, videos, and other media into your scenario-based learning.


Knowledge Retention

Many forms of knowledge retention are enhanced by simulations.

The content is better understood and remembered through storytelling. Students want to learn information in small doses and are accustomed to doing so. Simulations tend to be broken down into brief, simple modules that focus on one topic at a time like the way we look for short videos or articles online.

They also practice what they learn, which increases knowledge retention because people learn the most through their experiences.


Better ROI

The cost of employee training can be substantially increased by the use of simulations.

Employees who work on social skills that will be required in real life can practise them beforehand, resulting in improved skills and confidence.

Customer satisfaction and profitability are both positively impacted by this.


scenario-based learning

How to implement scenario-based learning in your classroom

There are a few simple ways you can implement scenario-based learning in your classroom.

One of the best practices for scenario-based learning is to try to incorporate real-life situations from your course material into your lessons.

  1. Create a social learning environment

  2. Invest in discussion

  3. Develop Video-Based Learning

  4. Adopt a LMS with LXP features

If you’re explaining how governments interact with each other, you could use a real-life example from your elearning course material to help explain the same concept.

Real-life situations also help students see how concepts might play out in the future if they pursue certain careers or pursue education in certain fields.


Things to consider before implementing scenario-based learning

As with any learning technique, there are a few things you should consider before implementing scenario-based learning in your classroom.

You may want to think about whether your students are able to access the scenarios you’re trying to use.

If they’re not able to access the real-life situations you’re trying to use, they might not be able to fully understand what you’re trying to teach. Similarly, you may want to think about whether your students can relate to the scenarios you’re trying to use.

Invest in Social Learning

If they’re not able to relate to the scenarios you’re trying to use, they might not be able to fully understand what you’re trying to teach.

Social Learning, Learn More!

scenario-based learning

LMS LXP Hybrid eLearning Platform

To resume the LXP is user centric! By learner preferences you push data / lessons to the learner. You recommend a learning Specific paths.

Even if I believe the difference is purely rhetoric (hybrid is needed, I don’t want VS it is a narrow view...)

  • Social learning with discussion (we have)

  • Personalised learning based on preference (imagine a cloud of tag that you select and get feeds)

  • Individual learning paths (we are working on it)

  • Learning on demand (we have the search) 

  • Supports all media types (we do: video, podcast (audio), webinars . We need to work on articles / blogs… easy really, and user generated content via links… need a title description and links to the content)

  • Venue social collaboration : blended learning we are on it 


  • Internal and external resources

  • Adaptive learning path

  • Collaboration learning

Most popular features:

  • Self-directed learning

  • Individual learning plan vs audience

  • Search different type of formats… videos, articles, documents… 

  • Aggregates content from internal and external sources

  • Social learning : https://www.thelearning-lab.com/blog-elearning-platform/social-learning

  • The Learning want to go beyond the catalogue and have control over is education

  • Question is artificial intelligence… I know zero on this… 

  • Save content / lessons on their personal profile

Scenario-Based Learning

There are countless reasons why scenario-based learning is such a popular educational technique.

  1. Real working problematics

  2. Involve Social Media with LXP features

  3. Better Retention

  4. Develop critical thinking

  5. Great return on investment

  6. Invest in an LMS / LXP Hybrid solution like the Learning Lab

Not only does it help learners understand concepts better, but it also helps students see how some of the most pressing social issues affect their own lives and the broader society.

Scenario-based learning is an excellent way to engage Learners in learning and spark their interest in a subject.


LMS or LXP or hybrid Solution


Brand guideline for eLearning Courses and Platform