What e-learning data do you need to analyse?

Elearning data analysis is an exciting and powerful feature for educators and administrators.

With data analysis, elearning professionals can track learners’ behaviour and performance, monitor the effectiveness of their course content, and hone their teaching techniques to better suit their learners’ needs.

By analysing elearning data, educators can gain valuable insights into how their learners are interacting with their course content, how long they’re spending on each task, and what topics they need more help with.

This information can be used to improve course content, tailor teaching strategies, and identify at-risk learners.

With elearning data analysis, educators are better equipped to meet their learners’ needs and help them reach their full potential.

It’s an invaluable tool for creating more effective and engaging courses, and it’s only getting more powerful as technology advances.


What are eLearning Analytics?


E-Learning analytics is needed process to measure and understand the success of eLearning programs.

It's a data-driven approach to learning that involves collecting and analysing data from eLearning courses and programs.

By using analytics, businesses can measure the performance of their eLearning initiatives and make data-driven decisions to improve them.

With eLearning analytics, businesses can track the success of their eLearning efforts in real-time, giving them the insights they need to ensure their programs are effective and successful.

Additionally, eLearning analytics allows businesses to collect data from their eLearning programs to identify areas of improvement.

This data can then be used to tailor the eLearning experience to the individual learner.

By using eLearning analytics, businesses can get a better understanding of their eLearning programs and make more informed decisions.

The Learning Lab’s data system helps to improve eLearning programs and get the most out of the learners.


Performance of your learners


An important step in eLearning course management is the monitoring of learner activities.

This gives you vital indicators on the performance of your eLearning courses. This step gives you the opportunity to correct and improve your content.


Here is a list of questions that require clear and well-structured data.

 - How much time Learners spend on the platform

An activity is calculated in its entirety. A learner consumes courses, tutorials, quizzes, articles, blogs and participates in discussions. From there you can zoom in on the details!


 - How frequently they visit the platform

The ultimate goal is to integrate the culture of continuous learning. So what actions can you take to encourage this change in culture and promote e-learning in your company?


 - Who are the most successful learners

It is worth identifying the best elements of your e-learning platform and making them experts/influencers. In the social learning culture, you need to encourage exchanges and discussions. And these good elements will be good assets to motivate your classes.


Behaviors of your learners


Analysing the behaviors of your learners can give you invaluable insights into what’s working for them and what isn’t.

In particular, it’s important to track which features they use, which assets they’re engaging with, and how they’re using the social features on your platform.


By doing so, you can better understand what content they’re gravitating towards and adjust your strategy accordingly.


You can also track how often they’re downloading assets, as this will give you an indication of what your learners are finding most useful. The more data you have, the better you can cater to their needs and create a better learning experience.


Tracking behaviors can also provide you with valuable feedback, allowing you to make improvements to your platform. So don’t forget to track your learners’ behaviors - it’s an important step in creating a successful learning platform.


 - Which features are they using Video Learning, Library, Webinars, chat, lessons…

 - Do they prefer to view or download assets

 - What percentage is using social features like chat, forum, virtual classroom, sharing…



Performance of your learning material


Keeping track of the performance of your elearning material can be a great way to measure the success of your training.

By monitoring the average time it takes for learners to finish courses, the time spent on each question or answer, and the accuracy of the answers, you can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your material.


It also helps you to identify areas of weakness and make changes to improve the performance of your material. With the right metrics, you can determine which parts of your course are working well and which need to be improved.


Additionally, you can use the data to compare your material to the industry standard and see how it's performing when compared to similar courses.

By keeping track of the performance of your elearning material, you can ensure that it is providing an effective learning experience for your learners.


 - Average time to complete a material: not to short, not too long

 - Quizzes / quiz questions answer time: not too easy, not too hard

 - Top unfinished courses: people start but not finish because the content is either not interesting or hard…

 - Top not-started courses: maybe content is not visible enough?


LMS eLearning Analytics


eLearning analytics are essential in any Learning Management System (LMS).

By monitoring and analyzing learner performance, proficiency and satisfaction, you can identify areas of improvement, gain insights, and improve the overall learning experience.


One of the most important areas to track is learner engagement.

Using data from activities like course completion, time spent on a course, and quiz scores, you can gain insight into how learners are interacting with the content. You can then use this data to improve the content, making it more engaging and relevant to the learner.


Other areas to track include learner proficiency, which gauges the learner’s understanding of the subject and their ability to apply what they’ve learned.

You can track learner proficiency by analyzing quiz scores, surveys, and discussion boards. Finally, it’s important to measure learner satisfaction.


This helps you understand if the elearning course and its content is meeting the learners’ needs and expectations. You can collect data on satisfaction by using surveys, polls, and other feedback mechanisms.


By using eLearning analytics, you can gain valuable insight into the learner experience. This will help you create better, more effective courses that meet the needs.


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