Learning Platform System(LMS) for Compliance Training

The Ultimate Guide to Compliance Training - Everything You Need To Know


Nowadays, there are numerous regulations and standards that businesses must adhere to in order to continue operating.

These rules and regulations provide guidance on what is expected of businesses when it comes to ethics, compliance, and other related topics.


And while you might have the best intentions when starting your company, one misstep could lead to serious consequences.


That’s why many businesses invest in online compliance training for their team members from day one.

But what exactly is compliance training?

If your business is struggling to understand this concept even further, you’ve come to the right place!

It is also important to adopt an e-learning platform (LMS) that offers the right features for designing, creating and managing your courses.

The success of your project depends on the quality of the experience designed around the information!


A Online Compliance Training need to been visual, kinetic and engaging: Video-based Learning will make the difference.


The Learning Experience is key.


Keep reading for more details about what online compliance training is, why it’s important for businesses like yours, and how you can implement it within your organization.


What is compliance training?


Compliance training is the act of educating employees and team members on the various regulations and laws that apply to the business.


It is designed to help employees understand and adhere to the rules and standards they must follow.

Compliance training is usually mandatory and must be conducted by a certified trainer. This ensures that all team members are given the same information and learn the necessary information to avoid any misunderstandings.


Compliance training is often broken down into two categories:

  • General compliance,

  • Regulatory compliance.


General compliance refers to the ethical and moral conduct expected of employees. Regulatory compliance, on the other hand, refers to the rules and laws that must be followed within the industry.

LMS for Compliance Training

Why is compliance training important?


Because compliance training helps to avoid mistakes and miscommunications, there are many reasons why it is important for businesses to invest in this type of training. If you are looking for some examples, keep reading!


Audio and video based courses, reinforced by webinars and discussions will facilitate access to the information and increase retention of its complex rules and regulations.

Benefits of compliance training


Helps to create a safe work environment

When team members are well-informed about what to expect from the company and what is expected from them, it can dramatically reduce the risk of mistakes that can lead to injury. An Learning Management System (LMS) will support you in this mission.


Helps to avoid legal consequences
In addition to creating a safe work environment, online compliance training can also help to avoid legal consequences. This means that businesses can avoid hefty fines and penalties that are often associated with non-compliance with regulations and standards.


Helps to maintain a positive reputation

When it comes to choosing which businesses to work with, many customers base their decision on the company’s reputation. If a business is non-compliant, it can negatively impact its reputation, which can lead to lost customers. An LMS with engaging Online Training is an asset for your business. It is a brand exercise to publish high quality online training. And LMS needs to be also a knowledge platform with:

  • Documents,

  • Definitions,

  • Webinars,

  • Videos,

  • Assessment,

  • Certifications…  


Helps to avoid miscommunications

One of the biggest benefits of online compliance training is that it helps to avoid miscommunications. When each employee understands what is expected of them and has the correct information, it can dramatically ease communication both within the team and with customers.


LMS for Compliance Training

How to incorporate and design online compliance training? 

There are many ways to incorporate online compliance training within your business. Some of the most common methods include :

  • Hosting seminars,

  • providing an online training course,

  • or providing a manual (Aides)

  • Activies with real life exemples

  • Social Learning (chat, forum, workshops…)

  • Learning Base Learning (work case studies and stories)

  • Video Based Learning


While seminars and online courses are effective, it is important to select the right provider to avoid miscommunications and ensure that all team members receive the same information to avoid any confusion.


The Learning has a team of more than 50 creative people and an innovative elearning platform with a Authoring Tool.


Manuals are also a great option for businesses that are just starting out with compliance training. They are affordable and easy to create, making them a great option for new businesses.


Learn more :



LMS for Compliance Training

Video-Based Learning Platform


Another great way to incorporate compliance training is through video-based learning. While video-based learning can be used to cover a variety of different topics, it can be especially useful when trying to cover regulatory compliance. 

With video-based learning, you can create short videos that feature someone relaying information in a conversational manner.


There are many benefits to Video-based learning platform, including an easy-to-use format and the ability to create a personalized learning experience.

  • More engaging content

  • Easy to produce:

    • Interview, webinars, direct record on the platform, animation with voice over

  • More Memorable

  • Clear Message


Using video-based learning can help to avoid miscommunications, provide information in an easy-to-digest manner, and can even be translated into other languages to reach a larger audience.

Our e-learning platform The Learning Lab allows you to create various video-based learning modules that cover topics like customer service and regulatory compliance.  

  1. Interactive Video: Construct your own scenario through a series of choices.

  2. Video Quiz: Add a quiz to your video! It's simple and terribly efficient!

  3. Screen recording: Software training is perfect for video recording

  4. Video Test: Film your presentation or talk and receive feedback


Learn More


LMS for Compliance Training

Learning Lab: Learning Management System (LMS)


The Learning Lab LMS is an innovative Video-based learning platform with an authoring tool.

Incorporating an online compliance training is a learning management system (LMS) is a must for any organisation. An asset for your employes, partners and clients.


LMS like the Learning Lab can be used to : 

  • Track employee progress,

  • Provide employees with the ability to access information on their own time,

  • And regularly update employees on changes that occur within their industry.


When it comes to choosing an Learning Management System LMS, there are many different options.

It is important to select one that is

  • Video-based

  • Easy-to-use,

  • Branded,

  • With an authoring Tool

  • With a project management tool integrated

  • Fully customizable

  • Hybrid LMS & LXP

  • Certifications

  • Leaderboard

  • Gamification…


Contact us for more information and a Free Pilot

Our Learning Management System (LMS) offers a wide variety of features and can be used to track employee progress, provide employees with the ability to access relevant information on their own time, and regularly update employees on changes that occur within the industry.




Compliance training is an important concept for businesses to understand and implement. This type of training can help to avoid legal consequences, miscommunications, and help to create a safe work environment.


When conducting online compliance training, it is important to select the right provider and incorporate various methods to cover all topics. Some of the most common methods include hosting seminars, providing an online training course, or providing a manual.


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