Unlocking The Benefits of Just-In-Time Training: Full Guide!

Just-in-time training is an effective way of providing employees with the knowledge and skills they need to stay ahead with their work and increase services or products knowledge.

Most people search for the answer to their questions directly on Google. All organisations should work on developing an intern wiki-based training for their employees.

An e-learning platform must also fulfil the function of a knowledge platform!

By unlocking the benefits of just-in-time training, organisations will benefit from up-to-date knowledge, improved performance, and a stronger learning culture.

Just-in-time training will help ensure that employees have access to the most up-to-date information and have the skills to succeed in their jobs.

Additionally, it can help to foster collaboration, communication, and engagement across the organization.

With its many advantages, just-in-time training is an essential strategy for any company looking to stay ahead of the competition and build a strong learning culture.


What is just-in-time training?


Just-in-time training is a type of on demand learning that allows people to learn what they need, when they need it.

It is a flexible approach to training, designed to meet the changing needs of an organization.

Just-in-time training is often used in a corporate setting, where employees need to be trained on new technologies and processes quickly.

The goal of just-in-time training is to provide employees with the skills and knowledge they need to do their jobs effectively, without having to go through a lengthy training process.

Your Learning platform is also a Knowledge platform for your employees.


Benefits of just-in time training


Just-in-time training is an effective way to help employees stay up-to-date with their skills, knowledge and abilities.

It offers tremendous flexibility, as it can be tailored to the specific needs of each employee and the organization in general.

It allows organizations to respond quickly to changing needs and new trends, ensuring that the workforce is always up to date with the latest skills and technology.


A. Wikis and Learning

An e-learning platform is also a place where you can find a quick, simple, clear and immediately applicable answer at your workplace. Beyond the classic course, an LMS is also a knowledge platform.


B. Improving exchanges

It is important to develop the social dimension in your project. The delivery of answers and information should also be done through its community.  

Your employees have experience and knowledge of the field and the business that is of great value.

This dynamic promotes the learning culture within companies.


C. Learner engagement

Easy access, spontaneity, short and clear answers... all these elements make Just-in-time learning a very popular learning method! Suggesting rather than imposing increases learning engagement.


E. Content Retention

Because of its spontaneity, voluntariness and its often clear course format, this method is the champion in the category of data retention.

Indeed, the learner's state of mind has an impact on the retention of information. A positive person will retain the lesson directly.


Tips and Trends for Just-in-time Learning


A. Involve your community

Learners are more involved and motivated when they are proactive.

Learners have a wealth of experience to share. Discussions, group work, sharing of articles and vlogs... an e-learning platform can become a dynamic digital information and knowledge centre.


B. Know your learners

Assessments, interviews, surveys, feedback... there are many ways to understand the expectations, challenges and needs of your learners. 


C. Adopt Video-Based Learning

Of all media, video is the most impactful and engaging. A video offers faces, animations, illustrations... so many possibilities to digitise a complex concept or operation into an easily accessible tutorial.


D. Focus on Scenario-Based Learning

Learning through concrete examples rooted in professional reality is the most appropriate method to respond to learners' challenges.


E. Nuggets Learning

To avoid information overload, microlearning is essential. A module should not exceed 6 to 7 slides of less than 5 minutes. After a quick step the learner is more likely to start a new module. 


F. Learning Experience Platform

The Learning Lab is a hybrid solution between an LMS and an LXP.

Our solution allows you to manage the creation and publication of eLearning courses while developing discussions and exchanges within your audience of learners.


Just-in-time Learning


Just-in-time Learning is a great way to empower employees with the knowledge and skills they need to stay up-to-date in their respective fields.

With Just-in-time Learning, employees can access the exact information they need when they need it.

This gives them flexibility to learn when and where it is most convenient for them.

Just-in-time Learning has been proven to be an effective way to quickly and easily provide employees with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their roles.

Just-in-time Learning also gives employees the ability to instantly access the resources they need in order to stay informed and up-to-date.


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