Design Inclusive eLearning Courses

How to Design Inclusive eLearning Courses For People With Disabilities & neurodiversity?

From Accessibility to Inclusivity: How to Create eLearning Courses That Cater to Diverse Learners


E-Learning has become a popular alternative to traditional classroom learning.

However, the one-size-fits-all approach to eLearning courses may not cater to the diverse learning needs of today's learners.

Accessibility and inclusivity are two key factors that must be considered when designing eLearning courses.

The goal is to ensure that the course content and delivery methods are accessible to all learners, regardless of their abilities, backgrounds, or learning styles.

In this article, we will explore how to create eLearning courses that are truly inclusive and cater to the unique needs of all learners.

From audio, video training, captions and video coaching to interactive content and adaptive learning technologies, we'll cover everything you need to know to create eLearning courses that are truly accessible and inclusive.

So, let's dive in and discover how to create eLearning courses that cater to diverse learners!

I have myself a condition. I am autist. 

Understanding Accessibility vs. Inclusivity


Accessibility and inclusivity are two concepts that are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing.

Accessibility refers to the design of eLearning courses that can be accessed by all learners, regardless of their abilities.

This includes designing courses that are compatible with screen readers, providing closed captions for videos, and using high-contrast colors for learners with visual impairments.

On the other hand, inclusivity goes beyond just accessibility. It involves designing eLearning courses that cater to the unique needs and learning styles of all learners, regardless of their backgrounds or abilities.

Inclusive eLearning courses provide a level playing field for all learners, enabling them to participate fully in the learning process.


Benefits of Creating Inclusive eLearning Courses


Creating inclusive eLearning courses has several benefits.

First and foremost, it ensures that all learners can access and participate in the course content. This can lead to better learning outcomes and higher retention rates.

Inclusive eLearning courses also promote diversity and can help to create a more inclusive learning environment.

When learners feel that their unique needs and learning styles are being catered to, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated.

Inclusive eLearning courses also help to reduce stigma and discrimination by promoting understanding and acceptance of different abilities and backgrounds.


Identifying Diverse Learners and Their Unique Needs


To create truly inclusive eLearning courses, it's important to identify the diverse learners and their unique needs.

This includes learners with disabilities, learners from different cultural backgrounds, and learners with different learning styles.

For example, learners with visual impairments may require screen readers or closed captions for videos, while learners with hearing impairments may require transcripts or visual aids.

Learners from different cultural backgrounds may require course content that is sensitive to their cultural norms and values.

Learners with different learning styles may require interactive content or adaptive learning technologies to enable them to engage fully with the course content.


You can include: deaf, visual impairments (include colour blindness), Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, dyspraxia or ADHD…


Best Practices for Designing eLearning Courses for Diverse Learners


There are several best practices that can be followed when designing eLearning courses for diverse learners.

First and foremost, it's important to keep the course content short by adopting Nano Learning and rich with audios and videos.

Clear and concise language, contrasted graphics, and minimal distractions can all help to improve accessibility and inclusivity.

It's also important to use a variety of delivery methods, such as large text, audio, and video, to cater to different learning styles.

Providing interactive activities and audio or video assessments can also help to engage learners and promote active learning.

Offer also Forum, chat, video coaching and video assessment, for this you need a innovante powerful authoring tool and a fully customisable elearning platform!

Finally, it's important to use adaptive learning technologies that can adjust the course content and delivery methods based on the learner's unique needs and learning style.


Tips for Creating Accessible eLearning Content


Creating accessible eLearning content involves designing eLearning courses that can be accessed by all learners, regardless of their abilities.

There are several tips that can be followed to create accessible eLearning content.

First and foremost, all course content should be compatible with screen readers and other assistive technologies.

This includes providing alternative text for images, using high-contrast colours, and avoiding the use of flashing or blinking graphics.

Providing closed captions for videos and transcripts for audio content can also help to make the eLearning course content more accessible.

Finally, it's important to ensure that the course content can be navigated using only a keyboard, as some learners may not be able to use a mouse.


Audio and Video-based Learning for Creating Inclusive eLearning Courses


Audio-based learning and video-based learning can be an effective way to create inclusive eLearning courses.

Learners who prefer audio-based learning can benefit from podcasts, audio lectures, and audio books.

Video-based learning can also be effective, especially when combined with closed captions and transcripts.

However, it's important to ensure that the audio and video content is of high quality and is accessible to all learners.

Providing alternative formats, such as transcripts or audio descriptions, can also help to make the content more accessible.


Video for Blind People

A platform that helps visually impaired people to "see" videos

Video can be a powerful tool for learning, but it can be challenging for learners who are blind or visually impaired.

However, there is a tool and technology that can be used to make video content more accessible: “video for Blind” by Gabor Peter.




You can find the web application to see the videos at:


And the portal if you wish to participate at:


According to the WHO “285 million people are estimated to be visually impaired worldwide: 39 million are blind and 246 million have low vision.” that is 4% of the world’s population.


This project aims to motivate people all around the world to stand by a good cause and be part of a revolutionary change that will make life of visually impaired (mainly blind) people better.


The project is developing a video platform that is going to have videos which either have a written description or audio track giving detailed additional information.

Having this, blind people may watch the video listening to the additional narration, or reading it with a Braille display. They wish this platform to became a “tool of independence” which means blind people will be able to find informative and entertaining video content without additional help sitting next to them.


The Learning Lab LMS for Inclusive eLearning Courses


The Learning Lab LMS is a learning management system that is designed to create inclusive eLearning courses.


The LMS includes features such as adaptive learning technologies, video audio and interactive assessments, and customizable course content.

It also includes tools for creating accessible eLearning content, such as closed captions for videos and alternative text for images.

The Learning Lab LMS is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to all learners, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds.


Conclusion Inclusive eLearning Courses For People With Disabilities


Inclusive eLearning courses are designed to cater to the unique needs and learning styles of all learners, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds.


Creating inclusive eLearning courses involves designing courses that are accessible to all learners, providing a level playing field for all learners to participate fully in the learning process.


From video captions and screen-reader compatibility to interactive content and adaptive learning technologies, there are several best practices that can be followed to create truly inclusive eLearning courses.


By following these best practices, educators and instructional designers can create eLearning courses that are truly accessible and inclusive, enabling all learners to achieve their full potential.


Making eLearning more memorable 


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