Common eLearning Design Mistakes

Maximising Your E-Learning Course: Common Design Mistakes to Avoid


As the world becomes increasingly digital, e-learning has quickly become the preferred method of education for many.

With its convenience, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, e-learning has revolutionized the way we learn. However, designing an effective e-learning course is no easy task.

There are many common mistakes that can hinder the success of your course. From poor design to lack of engagement, these mistakes can lead to disinterested learners and a wasted investment.

That's why it's essential to understand the common design mistakes to avoid when creating an e-learning course.

In this article, we'll explore some of the most common design mistakes and provide tips on how to maximize your e-learning course.

Whether you're a seasoned e-learning designer or just starting out, this article will provide valuable insights to help you create a successful e-learning course that engages learners and achieves your desired outcomes.


Importance of branding and design in e-learning


When it comes to e-learning, branding and design are often overlooked. However, they play a crucial role in creating a successful e-learning course. Your e-learning course should reflect your brand and be visually appealing to your learners. This helps to create a sense of consistency and trust, which can help to increase engagement and retention.


One of the most important aspects of branding in e-learning is consistency. This means using the same fonts, colours, illustrations, images, graphics and design elements throughout your course. It's also important to use high-quality images and graphics that are relevant to your content. This helps to create a professional look and feel that will make your learners take your course seriously.


Design is also an important factor in e-learning. Your course should be designed in a way that is easy to navigate and understand. This means using clear headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to break up the text. It's also important to use multimedia elements, such as videos, images, and audio, to keep your learners engaged.


Avoid long text and adopt audio-based learning


One of the most common mistakes in e-learning is using long blocks of text. This can be overwhelming and make it difficult for learners to retain information. Instead, it's important to use a variety of learning methods, including audio-based learning.


Audio-based learning is a great way to engage learners and help them retain information. This can include podcasts, interviews, and lectures. By using audio, you can help your learners to focus on the content and retain information more effectively.


There are a few things to keep in mind when using audio-based learning. First, it's important to use high-quality audio to ensure that your learners can hear the content clearly. Second, you should provide transcripts or summaries of the audio content to help learners review the material. Finally, it's important to use audio sparingly and in conjunction with other learning methods to create a balanced and effective learning experience.


Overloading with information


Another common mistake in e-learning is overloading learners with too much information. This can be overwhelming and make it difficult for learners to retain information. It's important to strike a balance between providing enough information and overwhelming your learners.


One way to avoid overloading learners is to break up your content into smaller, bite-sized pieces. This can be done by using headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs. It's also important to use multimedia elements, such as videos, images, and audio, to help learners understand and retain the material.


Another way to avoid overloading learners is to use repetition and reinforcement. This means repeating important concepts and providing opportunities for learners to practice and apply what they have learned. This can help to reinforce the material and make it easier for learners to retain the information.


Ignoring nanolearning and microlearning


Nanolearning and microlearning are two terms that are often used interchangeably in the e-learning world. Nanolearning refers to short, bite-sized pieces of information, while microlearning refers to a more structured approach that combines multiple pieces of nanolearning into a larger learning experience.


One of the benefits of nanolearning and microlearning is that they are more flexible and convenient than traditional e-learning methods. Learners can access and complete the material on their own schedule, which can help to increase engagement and retention.


Another benefit of nanolearning and microlearning is that they are more focused and targeted than traditional e-learning methods. This means that learners can focus on specific topics and skills, which can help to improve their overall performance.


Neglecting video-based learning


Video-based learning is another important component of e-learning. Videos can be used to explain complex concepts, demonstrate procedures, and provide real-world examples. This can help to increase engagement and retention among learners.


There are a few things to keep in mind when using video-based learning. First, it's important to use high-quality videos that are relevant to your content. Second, you should use short videos to maintain learner attention and focus. Finally, it's important to use videos in conjunction with other learning methods to create a balanced and effective learning experience.


Forgetting Social learning and forums


Social learning and forums are another important component of e-learning. Social learning refers to the process of learning through social interaction, while forums provide an elearning platform for learners to discuss and share ideas.


One of the benefits of social learning and forums is that they can increase engagement and retention among learners. By providing an opportunity for learners to interact with each other and share ideas, you can create a sense of community and collaboration.


Another benefit of social learning and forums is that they can help to identify knowledge gaps and areas for improvement. Learners can ask questions and receive feedback from their peers and instructors, which can help to improve their overall performance.


Forgetting social learning and forums can be a mistake in e-learning. By using these methods, you can increase engagement, retention, and collaboration among your learners.


Poor assessment methods


Assessment is another important component of e-learning. It's important to use effective assessment methods to measure learner performance and ensure that your learners have achieved the desired outcomes.


One common mistake in assessment is using only multiple-choice questions. While multiple-choice questions can be effective, they are not the only assessment method available. Other assessment methods, such as case studies, simulations, and project-based assessments, can provide a more comprehensive understanding of learner performance.


Another common mistake in assessment is using assessments that are not aligned with the learning objectives. It's important to ensure that your assessments are closely aligned with the objectives of your course to ensure that learners have achieved the desired outcomes.


Poor assessment methods can hinder the success of your e-learning course. By using effective assessment methods that are aligned with your learning objectives, you can measure learner performance and ensure that your learners have achieved the desired outcomes.


The LEARNING LAB LMS for premium content


If you're looking for a Learning Management System (LMS) to create and deliver premium e-learning content with the powerful Authoting Tool, the LEARNING LAB LMS is a great creative option. This innovative e-learning platform provides a range of features, including course creation tools, multimedia support, video first solution, learning path, custom layout and forum and chat.


One of the benefits of the LEARNING LAB LMS is that it is easy to use and customize. You can create custom design courseswith animation, video or audio quizzes, and assessments, and track learner progress.


Another benefit of the LEARNING LAB LMS is that it provides a range of multimedia support. You can use videos, images, audio, and other multimedia elements to engage your learners and enhance their learning experience.


  • Video quizzes

  • Interactive video

  • Live record video

  • Audio learning

  • Video coach


In summary, the LEARNING LAB LMS is a great option for creating and delivering premium and beautifuly design e-learning content. With its range of features and multimedia support, it can help you to create engaging and effective e-learning courses.




Designing an effective e-learning course can be a challenging task. However, by understanding the common design mistakes to avoid, you can create a course that engages learners and achieves your desired outcomes.

By focusing on branding and premium elearning design, using a variety of learning methods, avoiding overloading learners with information, using nanolearning and microlearning, embracing video-based learning, utilizing social learning and forums, using effective assessment methods, and using an e-learning platform like the LEARNING LAB LMS, you can create a successful e-learning course that meets the needs of your learners and achieves your goals.


Design Inclusive eLearning Courses


Peer-To-Peer Learning