How to Write Training Objectives: The Ultimate Guide

When it comes to training, objectives are one of the most important aspects. Objectives are essentially the end goal you’re working towards.

  • Collaborative Process

  • It is all about Solutions

  • Action Mapping

  • Think diagram

Training Objectives come in many different shapes and forms depending on who you speak to, which can make coming up with them feel like quite an uphill struggle at times.

  • What are training objectives?

  • What is Action Mapping?

  • How to create training objectives?


Thankfully though, there are some pretty useful tips and tricks you can use when writing training objectives so you no longer need fear how difficult they might be to create.


Write Training Objectives

What are training objectives?

The training objectives set the framework for the project and the learning programme. It is important to design the architecture of the information that the employees have to learn or achieve.  

The training objectives should also define the outcomes and ROI. It is important to be able to measure pragmatically whether the project is a success and that nothing has been left out.


The objectives should of course determine the positive impact on the company and therefore the benefits.

A well defined plan implies:

  • The problem or challenge

  • The methods of disseminating the information

  • Personas

  • Tests and improvements


It is important that everyone involved in the project agrees and validates the roadmap and expectations.


Write Training Objectives

Why do you need to write training objectives?


Efficient Training
Every effort should be made to ensure that the training is clear, engaging, memorable and helps in the daily work. 

Understand the Purpose
Your  learners need to understand the reasons for the training programs and have a clear path, the overall time required to locate value in these learning is dramatically reduced.

Clear tasks
The learner needs to understand the benefits and skills they will develop. 

An eLearning project or training programme is undoubtedly above all an ambitious mission to share and exchange information.

Better Retention
The process is to put in place all the techniques, content and structure for an optimum experience:

  • Scenario based,

  • Video learning,

  • Workshop,

  • Social Learning…


Performance and Productivity
It is crucial to identify and build on existing strengths and develop new aptitudes in order to improve employee productivity and performance. Your training objectives and strategies should indicate how new workflows lead to better performance, and when to use them.


Learn Material Design
Creating training content
is made easier and more beneficial to your learners if you have well-defined goals and objectives. You may target individuals based on their position in the company or their department. You can save project time, money, and resources by specifying your training objectives.


Optimum Staff Support
Your project's reason for being is to provide assistance, resources, and information for high-quality work.


Write Training Objectives

Cathy Moore, Action Mapping


I could not deal with this subject without reference to Cathey Moore and Action Mapping.

Cathy is a training designer whose goal is to save the world from boring instruction.  She advocates for respecting and challenging people in order to boost business performance.


Using action mapping, you can create appealing learning experiences for your audience. It is frequently employed in gamification and eLearning to stimulate players with game-like activities, rewards, and objectives.


Designers can use an action-mapping framework to quickly identify the most significant performance issue, establish a clear performance objective, and develop a precise solution.


The model is intended to address some weaknesses I noticed in our profession, including:

  1. Our profession is not held accountable for what we do because virtually nothing we do is measured.

  2. As a result, our work is not considered crucial to the company.

  3. By setting a measurable business goal at the very top of everything we do, we publicly commit to improving the company's performance and demonstrate our value.

  4. By combining different performance consulting and design for behaviour techniques visually, I hoped to get them used. Performance consulting and design for behaviour have a long history, but I did not see designers using them.

  5. By identifying and contrasting their similarities, we can see the differences between the two approaches.


Use action mapping to Engage Learners and Motivate Them to Complete Goals


Learn More :


Write Training Objectives

Guide to Write your Training Objectives.



The lesson must focus on helping students meet their needs and find clear solutions. The help must be rooted in reality and must be provided in real-life professional situations.



It is now time to design the process of digitalisation of knowledge and its level of abstraction to concrete and practical cases for the dissemination of skills. Knowledge is not only theoretical but can be designed in the form of activities.



When designing activities and modules it is important to identify obstacles and problems in creating your course.



Embrace Microlearning, Learning nuggets are independent, short learning tasks, usually less than five minutes in length, that vary in size and scope and are undertaken in a specific context in order to achieve certain learning objectives. A learning nugget task, which takes a set amount of time, may, or may not be tested.


When creating your first courses, assess your learners and then create achievable goals. The courses will be organised in progressive stages without overloading the brain. Patience and time are the key.


Bloom Check List :

Knowledge “involves the recall of specifics and universals, the recall of methods and processes, or the recall of a pattern, structure, or setting.”

Comprehension “refers to a type of understanding or apprehension such that the individual knows what is being communicated and can make use of the material or idea being communicated without necessarily relating it to other material or seeing its fullest implications.”

Application refers to the “use of abstractions in particular and concrete situations.”

Analysis represents the “breakdown of a communication into its constituent elements or parts such that the relative hierarchy of ideas is made clear and/or the relations between ideas expressed are made explicit.”

Synthesis involves the “putting together of elements and parts so as to form a whole.”

Evaluation engenders “judgments about the value of material and methods for given purposes.”



  • Workshop

  • Idea Mapping

  • Storyboarding

  • Scripting

  • Design

  • Testing

  • Improving


Write Training Objectives

LMS LXP Hybrid Solution and Innovation


A good craftsman has good tools and in this complex and delicate mission it is essential to select the right eLearning platform.


An eLearning Platform (LMS) is of course a tool that will facilitate your workflow with the right features:

  • Authoring Tool

  • Video-Based Learning

  • Library

  • Learn Path

  • Certification

  • Courses Management

  • Data Tracking


Our solution is a hybrid Learning Experience Platform (LXP) that facilitates collaboration between experts and learners through discussions and exchanges.

Learning experience platforms, on the other hand, enable users to consume content through:

  • social media,

  • blog posts,

  • videos,

  • and other channels,

  • and obtain information from various sources on the web.

An LXP will allow you to manage your entire employee and customer experience through a single interface.

  • Social learning with discussion

  • Personalised learning based on preference

  • Individual learning paths

  • Learning on demand

  • Supports all media types (video, podcast (audio), webinars, articles / blogs…)

  • Venue social collaboration : blended learning


Learn More :


Multilingual e-learning platform: the ultimate guide


How to use Microlearning and nuggets Learning?