The Definitive guide to eLearning Trend in 2023

What are the features and options that have changed the eLearning landscape and should definitely be considered in 2023?


In this article I will list a series of interesting concepts to follow and consider for the coming year. Each paragraph is accompanied in link to go deeper into the topic.

I will come back to this article regularly to complete and deepen it! I also try to enrich this information by recording videos to make the access to the information more direct and simple. On my youtube channel you will find more material.

elearning trend 2023

Learning Experience Platform (LXP)


A Learning Experience Platform or LXP makes it easy to find and share information. An LXP also encourages discussions and forums.

The goal of this technology is to create personalized learning paths and think tanks.

Embedded in learner centered and social learning, communities are pro-active in creating and sharing data and information.

The Learning Management System (LMS) also becomes a knowledge platform sharing :

  • Articles,

  • ELearning Courses

  • Documents

  • Webinars

  • Virtual Classroom

  • Discussions

  • Worshop

  • Videos

  • Blogs

  • Vlogs

  • Audio…


A LXP or Learning Experience Platform supports and even encourages the sharing of content created outside of its corpus: User Generated content:

  • Articles

  • Blogs

  • Videos

  • Courses


But a solution like the Learning Lab has an integrated project management tool dedicated to e-learning. Participants can discuss, share and validate the work done.

A Learning Experience Platform is not to be dissociated from a Learning Management System, The Learning Lab is a perfect hybrid solution!


Learn More :

learning experience platform LXP

Learning Experience Design


Learning Experience design is the process of creating an experience around the information delivered for better understanding and retention of that information.


Learning Experience Design

  • With the use of Instructional Design the information will be scripted and storyboarded: Introduction, explanation, case study, staging, interaction and conclusion.


Instructional Design

  • The information is designed for clarity and for structuring, organizing and prioritizing.


User Experience Design

  • Creation of activity and interaction via a multimedia support to immerse the learner in a real environment. This experience increases engagement and memorization.


Learning Experience Design =  creating human-centered and goal-oriented

Instructional Design = design learning material to change mind set

User Experience Design = intuitive experience


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Learning Experience Design

Video-Based Learning


Video-based Learning is a terminology that encompasses all learning practices that use video as the main medium but not only.

The teaching material can be supported or completed by various supports: audios, documents, forums, webinars...


Video-based learning is rich and varied. It includes short videos like microlearning to more complex supports like the video quiz where the instructor can ask questions in the video.

At each question the video pauses, the learner answers and the video resumes its course until the next possible question.


Formats :

1/ Interactive Video: Construct your own scenario through a series of choices.

2/ Video Quiz: Add a quiz to your video! It's simple and terribly efficient!

2/ Screen recording: Software training is perfect for video recording

3/ Video Test: Film your presentation or talk and receive feedback

4/ Video Test: Film your presentation or talk and receive feedback


A Video-Based Learning Platform in few words:

1.       Record directly on the platform

2.      Ask for Video Assessment

3.      Analyse and report

4.      Integrate Social Learning

5.      Organise live video event

6.      Deliver Certifications and Awards


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Video based Learning

Social Learning


The primary concept of Social Learning developed by the psychologist Bandura is that the individual learns by :

  • Observation

  • Imitation

  • And reproduction


So the goal of social learning is to put learners in an environment of discussion, collaboration, workshop and exchange.

It is essential that learners are involved as much as possible in all the processes of design construction and information sharing.

The learner has a place to express his expectations and challenges. Share successes and failures and benefit from the support of the community to learn through concrete examples and evolve.  

Social Learning involves intelligent and subtle coaching. The returns in engagement rates are spectacular!


A elearning platform such as the Learning Lab will be an asset for the implementation of such an operation.


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What is Social Learning?

Active Listening


So here we touch on one of my new passions... Active Listening.

Active listening is a group of techniques that help to develop listening and understanding of information received.

By developing these attitudes, your concentration rate will allow you to be more involved in your professional exchanges, to better respond to the questions or expectations of your colleagues and to increase the rate of retention of perceived information.

Active Listening Actions :

  • Focus & Concentration

  • Understand

  • Rise interest

  • Print the information in the brain


The benefits of Active Listening are many:

  • Motivation

  • Long Term Commitment

  • Share Knowledge

  • Easy to Access

  • Time Saving


Active Listening is also a time-saver for learning because it loses direct memorization.

Active Listening helps you to connect with your colleagues. It is also a very interesting exercise for people with autism or attention deficit disorder. (note: I am autistic...) 

I invite you to read this article to develop the subject.

elearning agency

Learner Centered Approach


The Learner Centered approach consists in developing courses that reconstitute the learner's environment and business issues.


Its e-learning courses, which I prefer to call activities, are designed to create immersive experiences where the learner must call upon all his cognitive forces to understand, reflect, analyze and find solutions or make decisions.


It is not enough to understand, one must act! For this we call upon :

  • Their own knowledge,

  • Past experiences,

  • Education,

  • And ideas to bear on new learning.

The learner-centered approach to eLearning education emphasizes creating a more engaging learning environment with activities and immersive experiences where the learners have an high level of engagement by putting the needs of the learner first.  

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Learner centered

User Generated Content


As we have seen in the paragraphs dealing with the Learning Experience Platform and social learning, instructors or specialists are now opening their platforms to the sharing of information from outside sources.

User Generated Content is content written or produced by web influencers.

UGC can be:

1.      Articles,

2.     Blogs,

3.     Videos,

4.     Courses…


Sharing this information is conducive to discussion and debate but also helps learners to take ownership of the project and increases the rate of engagement.


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Scenario-Based Learning


All information is clearer when told. The concept of Scenario-Based Learning is to immerse the learner in a scenario or story that he or she can identify and connect to professional events.

The goal is often to reconstitute a real environment in order to reconstitute challenges or problems and then analyze them in order to provide a concrete and applicable solution.

Our e-learning platform allows us to design scenario-based learning in a variety of ways:

  • Linear courses designed via our Authoring Tool

  • Interactive videos 

  • Discussions oriented towards different applicable solutions


Scenario-based learning is important because it breaks down complex subjects and makes them approachable.


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scenarion based learning



Being autistic myself, the issue of neurodiversity in education is an important one.

Each individual being complex by nature and your community offering naturally varied and diverse it is important to offer them a rich multimedia experience.

This will allow each learner to approach the information from the angle that best suits their profile. Some prefer audio while others prefer documents.

Our e-learning platform offers you the tools and features to build complex and subtle e-learning courses.

To find out more about this, I invite you to read this article below. I also remain at your disposal. 

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Summed up


For regular updates this blog remains at your disposal but I invite you to visit the Learning Lab youtube channel:

 Our Youtube Channel

We publish weekly videos and updates on elearning trends and news.


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