How to choose an e-learning platform for your company?
Choosing an e-learning platform is not an easy task and it is always worthwhile structuring and listing your needs.
Each e-learning project is unique, but the needs are ultimately the same on the most strategic points.
In this article, I will draw up a plan that will enable you to review your needs, establish your e-learning objectives, goals and draw up a list of functions that are essential for the proper management of your e-learning project and its future development without paralysing points.
What are your challenges?
Every action has a plan. In e-learning training, you must always plan your journey and define the stages. Before taking any action, it is necessary to identify the why before the how!
An e-learning course always has an objective:
Solve a problem
Increase performance
Eliminate errors
Increase knowledge of a product or service
Know how to apply protocols
And so on.
I invite you and your colleagues to draw up a list of the reasons why your company has set up a continuous training programme within your company and what your e-learning objectives are?
This step is vital to the selection of the right e-learning platform for your company.
The brand matters for your company e-learning platform!
From training to welcoming your new employees or even training your customers and partners, your e-learning courses and your e-learning platform is of course a showcase for your company.
You will continue to showcase your company's culture and philosophy through this elearning project! This is of course an important branding exercise!
The human resources or sales department is the spearhead of the company.
Every project carries the company's flag. Before choosing your e-learning platform, make sure that the platform is fully customisable:
Structure of the homepage and dashboard
Single page creation
Structuring of the course catalogue
Cours workflow
WEBINARS and Virtual Classe Room
When selecting your e-learning platform for your company you should choose a white label Learning Management System (LMS) that is fully flexible and customisable.
It is your e-learning platform not a simple structural tool like a project management tool. Make sure your e-learning platform is able to carry your brand loud and clear!
Authoring Tool is now a must for your future company’s e-learning platform
An e-learning course is like a living organism, it evolves and adapts.
This is why you should make sure that when you choose an e-learning platform for your company, it has a modern, integrated and proprietary* authoring tool.
*Why proprietary? Because you need to be able to communicate with your provider and he needs to adapt his tool to your business needs.
An Authoring Tool is therefore a tool for designing and organising the layout of your e-learning course.
Unlike SCORM which requires the intervention of a designer and a tool like Articulate, with an Authoring Tool you can update your e-learning course yourself with one click.
Here are some features that should be available in your e-learning platform:
Royalty-free image library
Layout within limits
Integration: image, video, document, audio
Library of pre-designed templates
Video test and question
Library of question types
Text editor
Choice of colours
Image with hotspot
Flash cards
Option to create activities like organize, move, select...
And much more so I have put below a video presentation of our Authoring Tool integrated with our LMS. We remain at your disposal for a free demo.
On our Youtube Channel you will discover many more interesting content:
Authoring Tool for e-learning platform
Don't just choose only an e-learning platform, but also a dedicated team!
I am writing this paragraph because I want to underline the importance of selecting a friendly e-learning agencies with who you can really discuss and brainstorm new ideas and features for elearning platform.
Choice also an creative e-learning agency who has a knowledge of content development and not only about technology!
It is creativity and knowledge that drives innovations!
So when you choose an e-learning platform (LMS) for your agency, look at the portfolio of e-learning course because you don't want a small, fragile agency that can disappear overnight, but also choose an creative agency that knows how to listen to your project eleaning and its needs.
Also Our e-learning Lab has develop e-learning course for more then 10 years!
Video base e-learning platform
Video e-learning is a pedagogical tool that is increasingly used by instructional designers.
This medium allows complex concepts or processes to be presented in a digestible, educational and attractive way, thus facilitating the retention of information.
Video e-learning is also a medium that can be adapted to different personas.
The Learning Lab Video First eLearning platform has been specially design for:
Sale enablement
Product presentation
Virtual class
Video speech exercise
Technical presentation
3D objects…
Video e-learning is also used for tests such as verbal exercises where the candidate can record their speech directly on the e-learning platform and the instructor can give them positive or constructive feedback on the video timeline!
In our blog you will find several articles on the advantages of video e-learning and its best uses.
With his arguments you will understand that it is important to ensure that your elearning platform is video-based.
Ask these questions:
- Are the videos adapted and formatted to the user's internet?
- Can you make quiz videos where the video stops after a question and the learner can answer the question?
- Is it possible to create interactive videos in the platform?
- Can we integrate Youtube or Vimeo video links?
- Can you integrate videos into flashcards or hotspots?
- Can you upload videos to the library?
Video-base elearning platform is the assurance of total flexibility in the creation of your courses.
Our elearning platform The Learning Lab is fully video based!
Quizzes Management
Well, an e-learning platform is of course a tool to carry out assessments, tests and certifications while managing your communities.
Here is a list of useful, if not essential, features to help you:
Question bank,
Video Quiz
Leaderboard points
Selective looking
Fully custom catalogue and dashboard
Scheduled content
Automatic reminder
Automatic continue to…
Pass rate and Number of attempts
Question order: ramdon
Quiz timer
Screen recording
Override quiz evaluation type: Result at the end or directly…
Timeout handling / Result is calculated even upon timeout…
Non Mandatory
Certification, badges, Award…
User Management check list:
API and sigle signon
Bulk add users
Audiences Management
Brand and white label branches
Roles Management
Audit Log
Download data
Complexe filtering system:
User parameters
User progress
Quiz data
Internal communcation
Automatic notification
Our team remains at your disposal for a free demo of our e-Learning Platform
Learning Lab an Innovative eLearning Platform
for Creative People