Top 9 LMS Trends for 2022


Learning management systems (LMS), are used by large institutions and small businesses to organize and track elearning programs, ensuring that learners stay up-to-date on new policies and standards.

It can be invaluable to both employees and employers, streamlining and supporting the communication and information sharing essential to today's workplace. 

But as the world of work changes with elearning technology, it is essential to stay on top of LMS trends to meet your company's needs in 2022 and beyond. 

Here are the top 9 elearning platform trends you need to know for 2022.



Increase in mobile learning

No doubt, mobile learning is rising in popularity and more elearning technology is being built for on-the-go learning, it is safe to say that LMS providers will increasingly see a rise in demand for mobile-first platforms. 

Major players like TheLearning LAB already have features explicitly dedicated to mobile usage, but newer companies are taking note of these elearning trends and building exclusive products with mobile users in mind. 

In 2022, you should be able to switch between various device layouts and use your phone or tablet as if it were an optimized version of your computer. 


Growing demand for Cloud-based LMS solutions

Cloud-based LMS solutions will soon overtake on-premise systems in terms of usage. It is a win for both organisations and providers, as cloud-based Learning Management system can be modified, deployed, managed, and updated more quickly and easily than their predecessors. 

Cloud-based elearning platform offers greater accessibility from various devices, too; learners expect to be able to access elearning content from any device with an internet connection. 

Additionally, a hosted learning management system is more scalable—meaning you can grow with demand without being bogged down by maintenance tasks.

For instance, TheLearning LAB cloud-based LMS solution is a game-changer for technology.

It offers its users significant time savings and cost savings by removing a lot of tasks that are traditionally done onsite.

Its scalability enables it to grow with your organization and is fully customizable, so you can adjust your application as needed. 


The Top 9 LMS Trends You Need to Know for 2022


Use of LMS for onboarding

As more and more organizations are using LMS for onboarding, a major Learning Management System trend in 2022 is that companies have learned that an LMS / Elearning Platform is not just for training employees or developing internal courses. 

LMS also offers an excellent platform for support teams.

With features like a user-friendly portal and insightful reporting, they can use it to manage their support personnel's schedule better, offer webinars with regular updates, send out announcements when new products or services come out, or share important company information with their customers in a cost-effective way.

Furthermore, it will be used as a place where users can find relevant content easily; as such, there would be no need for additional collaboration tools.

At TheLearning LAB, our elearning platform / LMS can be used for onboarding. We offer a variety of training modes. Our blended learning program can include online and offline training

To build specific skills, we do live training sessions where individuals can interact with our experts face-to-face.

We also conduct live sessions that revolve around advanced problem-solving techniques relevant in today's fast-paced world.


Use of LMS for employee retention

With the rapid rise of employee turnover, your company needs a way to keep employees engaged and focused. 

The learning management system (LMS) is the perfect tool. LMS enables you to create engaging content that gives employees the training they need for their job.

Your eLearning course design should always connect people with the information they need. 

Employees who do not see any value in your LMS content may be more likely to leave your company

At TheLearning LAB, we understand that a well-planned elearning program, coupled with employee engagement, can improve retention among staff members of all levels, which can help your company thrive over time. 


Our team at TheLearning LAB specializes in developing engaging content for our clients. 

We understand that different elearning styles exist within each individual, and we work hard to ensure that all employees are given options when it comes to their elearning development.


A shift towards LXP solutions for a more holistic approach to online learning

In response to the increasing demand for more individualized training and development, LXP solutions, which combine live instruction, technology-driven performance support, and face-to-face collaboration—will become more widely used in 2022. 

Some organisations will be stand-alone learning vehicles; in others, they will be used alongside an LMS / eLearning Platform as part of a hybrid solution. 

While LXP is not new, we expect it will take on greater significance in the coming years. This shift towards LXP solutions will have far-reaching implications for eLearning content development

This shift towards Learning Experience Platforms (LXP) will help companies take a more strategic approach to eLearning content development and provide leaders with a better understanding of how each element contributes to success. 

LMS for Digital Identity Management

Identity management is becoming a significant trend in LMSs as more companies attempt to formalize their identity management.

Expect LMS platform to take a hard look at how they onboard learners with simple and secure identity management and effortless course navigation across domains.

 In 2022, you will start seeing systems allowing credential collection, transformation, and standardization into one secure network for sharing—helping businesses verify that people are who they say they are.


LMS for Customer Experience Management

Customer experience management is a significant trend in learning management system (LMS) / elearning platform. The importance of these technologies is underscored by numerous factors, including changing customer expectations and increased competition from non-traditional education providers.

CX involves integrating customer feedback into every aspect of a business. It means going beyond traditional channels and marketing techniques and connecting with customers on multiple levels: emotionally, physically, digitally, etc.

 A sound learning management system will ensure that your customers have an easy time finding what they need, whether that is in a classroom or online.

Personalization is a major LMS trend for 2022

It is hard for learning management system to meet learners where they are, but many of them are getting better at it. 

Whether moving your courseware on-demand or offering mobile learning options, chances are you can personalize more than ever before. 

New technology is helping LMS platforms better provide learners with courses that match their needs and make it easier for you to collect data about their progress and provide custom training elearning experiences

Personalization is already prevalent in other fields like retail and hospitality; now, it is also gaining steam in educational elearning technology.


A rise in LMSs with Business Intelligence dashboards

The rise of Learning Analytics and Dashboards is major, but in  2022 it is clear that learning analytics will only grow in importance. 

We are already seeing a significant increase in demand from clients looking to integrate learning management systems with Business Intelligence dashboards to make better sense of their data and combine it with other information like marketing and CRM.

TheLearning LAB is a top-class Learning management system with incredible features

At TheLearning LAB, we are constantly in a state of innovation. We stay on top of all new trends in E-learning, keeping our services and technology up-to-date with market demand.

We have designed a strong portfolio of products with compelling features and ease of use, backed by efficient support and guarantees that allow companies to be fully confident using TheLearning LAB. 

Ours is a top-class Learning management system with unique features. Our platform has hundreds of templates to get you started quickly and is entirely customizable. 

Built with simplicity and ease of use, TheLearning LAB will save you time creating great online courses. The theme-based elearning designs are easy on your eyes, allowing your users to follow along without distraction easily. 

Being mobile-friendly allows users to access your course from anywhere at any time using their phone or tablet computer.


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