Creative ideas for e-learning Project

Many are the benefits that e-learning brings to learners, educators and institutions.

For learners, it makes self-study easier than ever before. They can access information anytime and anywhere.

E-learning also improves retention rates by making it easy for users to come back to lessons time and again. It also helps learners broaden their knowledge as they explore a variety of topics online.

In this elearning blog post, you will learn about creative ideas you can use when designing your own e-learning courses or modules.

The more we know, the better we become at understanding new things and retaining what we learn after the initial experience has ended.

This is why using e-learning creative ideas when designing our education is such a great idea because it not only helps us remember what we learned but also gives us something new every time so that we Stand out and build our brand. visibility.

Here are some creative ideas you can use when designing your own e-learning courses or modules:

Creative ideas for e-learning Project

Creative ideas for e-learning Project

Video-based eLearning

Video-Base e-learning

Video-based elearning is considered to be one of the most innovative ways to deliver training content.

Video-based elearning is a growing trend that allows educators to create engaging and interactive multimedia training programs.

Video-based elearning can be incorporated into any type of learning environment and is especially useful for programs that need visual feedback for learners.

eLearning Videos are an ideal medium for presenting complex information because they can make complex concepts easy to understand and digest.

Type of eLearning video:

  • Video Quiz

  • Interactive Video

  • Video Coach

  • Webinars

  • Video Assessment

  • Video Tutorial

To learning more Click here

Videos-based elearning can also be used as resources for other types of elearning, which makes it possible to create comprehensive training programs without the need for expensive software or hardware.

Thanks to this, video-based elearning has many advantages over other forms of media. Let’s look at some of them in more detail.

Creative LMS With Authoring Tool

Innovative Elearning Platform with Creative Authoring Tool

Before you start designing your e-learning courses it is important to reassess your LMS.

It is essential to have an eLearning platform equipped with a proprietary authoring tool and not only integrated.

A modern authoring tool lets you create your course directly in the platform. And therefore gives you the possibility to quickly and easily modify your course after the first feedback.

An effective Learning management systems, LMS will also enable self-paced learning by providing quizzes, video clips, and other formative assessment tools that can help learners master key concepts at their own pace.

An Authoring Tool lets you also to brand your e-learning courses on all level! You need to design premium content to stand out and reenforce your brand.

Designing a successful e-learning courses, It requires first understanding your personas and deliver the right media: video, audio, interactive image, graph, actives….

eLearning Content Creation Process Explained!

Think Activities versus courses with Action Mapping!

It is important to move away from the passive elearning course model where the learner just reads and receives information.

An e-learning course should invite the student to interact with the course through a series of questions and manipulations. This is an introduction to action mapping.

Action mapping is a process to map out what we want to accomplish in their elearning courses and how we will get there.

E-Learning Consultants often use this technique to help project owners figure out how they can best achieve their educative goals.

An action map can be anything from a simple list of tasks and activities to a more elaborate chart that shows the steps it will take to get there.

Mapping your goals is important because it helps you organize your thoughts and also gives you a visual reference point so you know exactly where you are headed.

You should also keep in mind that action mapping is only one part of your overall goal-setting process.

It’s one of the first things you should do when setting out on a new path, but it’s not the only thing you need to do.

eLearning Design and Branding

Design Premium content and Brand your e-Learning Courses.

Your learners are sensitive to the form and diversity of media offered to explain your concepts and information.

A professionally designed course and an elearning course supported by elearning videos for example will contribute to the success of your modules.

The subject matter expert should work with instructional designer and the content should be designed with professionalism. Branding is also a key element in marketing your courses.

There are many reasons why Learners choose to buy e-Learning Courses.

There are also other benefits to creating rich media e-Learning Courses.

Evaluate, Design, Develop & Test …Repeat

You need to bring an iterative, agile mindset to your design and development process.

You know that the end is the beginning! An eLearning project is an organic body and must remain in constant evolution!

It is important to receive feedback from your learners as well as having the ability to re-inject creativity and challenge the finished work.

Focus on CCAF:

  1. Components of the context

  2. Challenge

  3. Activity

  4. Feedback

Focus on Emotions along with cognitive activities. Use stories and work on user experience.

Just do it! Keep it simple. Remove ADDIE heavy workflow that may kill agility and most of all Creativity.

Social Learning and Virtual Class Room

I am mixing these two subjects (Social Learning and Virtual Class Room) voluntarily even though each of them deserves an article.

But I find that working on interaction with students via a chat or a forum is a process that will bring you a ton of information that will make you come back to the content and structure of your e-learning courses a thousand times.

Also let your learners exchange, discuss and share their knowledge and feedback on the subject being learned.

The webinar or virtual class well integrated in this process is a perfect opportunity to discuss the delivered topic face to face or in a group.

It is also important to mix online and classroom learning. Your elearning platform is also a modern tool that changes the parameters of classroom teaching.

Each e-learning course is relayed to your e-learning platform and remains a support for further learning.

eLearning Agency Services

This article summarises the aspects that I consider most important.

This information is far from micro-management, but understanding your e-learning courses with these points in mind can, I am convinced, change the course of your e-learning challenge and approach.

The creativity and design of your e-learning courses will be engaging and memorable!

At Learning LAB we are at your disposal.


How to select an eLearning Platform?


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