Cognitive diversity with Mélodie Ardouin to challenge your elearning strategy!

Mélodie Ardouin
Transformation du Groupe Orange, Responsable de la Villa Bonne Nouvelle, Co-fondatrice du Collectif des Réseaux de Diversité Cognitive au Travail, speaker

I wanted to interview Mélodie because her involvement and work on cognitive diversity is an inspiration and enlightenment for anyone involved in training, education and eLearning.

Cognitive diversity needs to be understood and assimilated by our profession and the learning and development industry.

Cognitive diversity & e-learning strategy!

Melodie is a highly passionate person with a brilliant mind and it was a pleasure to listen to her and exchange with her.
Have a good listen!

Collectif des Réseaux de Diversité Cognitive au Travail Promouvoir la valeur ajoutée de la diversité cognitive et ses bénéfices pour l’entreprise


Located in the heart of Paris in the "Silicon Sentier" district, the Villa Bonne Nouvelle is a showcase for the Orange Group's HR innovation. Since 2014, it has offered some sixty internal and external participants (Orange teams, start-ups and freelancers) the opportunity to meet for a year in this 350 m² modular space in order to experiment with new managerial and collaborative practices. A true living laboratory, the Villa Bonne Nouvelle's mission is to prepare the future of work through the prism of a strong collective.


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