Best Practices for Blended Learning

Best Practices for Blended Learning: Combining Online and In-person Instruction


Blended learning, which combines online and in-person instruction is efficient educational settings.

Here are some best practices to consider when implementing blended learning:


Define clear learning objectives.


By clearly defining the learning outcomes and objectives for both these components, we are ensuring that learners have a clear understanding of what they are expected to achieve in each setting.


In the online component, it is crucial to align the activities and assessments with the defined objectives.

This allows learners to engage with the content in a meaningful way, through interactive exercises, discussions, and multimedia resources.

By structuring the online activities in line with the learning outcomes, we are creating a purposeful learning experience that promotes deep understanding and application of knowledge.


Similarly, in the in-person component, it is important to align the activities and assessments with the defined objectives.

This may involve group discussions, hands-on activities, or practical simulations that allow learners to apply what they have learned online.

By ensuring that these activities are aligned with the objectives, we are fostering a cohesive learning experience that seamlessly integrates both offline and online components.


Design engaging online content to be also used offline.


Create compelling and interactive online materials that integrate multimedia components like audios, videos, interactive quizzes, and simulations. Employ diverse teaching techniques to cater to various learning styles and foster active participation.


Extend this online approach to offline sessions as well. Additionally, utilize a Learning Management System (LMS) Like the Learning Lab LMS in the classroom to provide support and guide students towards the e-learning platform for further engagement.


It is important to also promote the use if the LMS not dissociate online and offline training. The two method are connected and complementary.


Foster active online discussions.

Promote active engagement and collaboration by facilitating both online and offline discussions. Encourage critical thinking and deeper involvement by presenting thought-provoking questions, enabling peer-to-peer interactions, and offering timely feedback. Implement social learning principles not only within the e-learning platform but also in the classroom setting.


Ensure that the online and offline discussions complement and enhance each other, creating a cohesive and interactive learning experience.


Balance online and in-person activities.


Establish an optimal equilibrium between online and in-person activities, aligning them with the learning objectives and content at hand.


Leverage online components for self-paced learning, content delivery, and practice exercises, while preserving in-person sessions for dynamic discussions, collaborative group work, hands-on experiences, and assessments.


Ensure that the online and offline activities are interconnected, as they both contribute to the overarching learning goals. It is important to maintain a cohesive pedagogical team, with instructors or trainers collaborating closely in a well-designed agenda and training plan.



Promote student autonomy and self-regulation.


Foster a sense of ownership and responsibility in students by providing them with opportunities for self-directed learning. Encourage them to set goals, manage their time effectively, and monitor their progress throughout the blended learning experience.



Personalise learning experiences: Learning Path


Leverage the flexibility of blended learning to personalize instruction and meet individual student needs. Use online tools to provide differentiated instruction, adaptive learning experiences, and targeted interventions.


Utilize the Learning Path feature to create a comprehensive training plan that encompasses a wide range of activities, including lessons, webinars, assessments, live discussions, forums, and on-site sessions. This holistic approach ensures a diverse and engaging learning experience for participants, with the potential to culminate in a certification.


Incorporate formative and summative assessments.


Use a combination of formative and summative assessments to gauge student understanding and progress.

Online quizzes, discussions, video assessment, peer to peer learning, group discussions and assignments can provide ongoing feedback, while in-person assessments can assess higher-order thinking skills and application of knowledge.


Continuously evaluate and adapt.


Regularly assess the effectiveness of the blended learning approach through feedback from students, instructors, and other stakeholders. Use data analytics and student performance metrics to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to optimize the learning experience.


Remember that successful implementation of blended learning requires careful planning, ongoing communication, and a willingness to adapt and refine the approach based on student feedback and outcomes.


To support you in this mission the Learning Lab LMS offers you the write features like:

  • Learning Path,

  • Blended Learning,

  • Forums, audio

  • Video assessement

  • and video-based Learning

  • …and much more


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