Top New eLearning Trends for 2023

Get Ahead of the Curve: Top eLearning Trends for 2022

With eLearning on the rise and more corporations moving their training to online eLearning platforms, it’s important to stay ahead of the curve with eLearning trends that are relevant to your industry, effective in engaging learners, and easy to execute with your existing tools. 

In this article, we’ll take a look at what TheLearning LAB have predicted as the top eLearning trends that will be on the rise in 2023 and beyond.

eLearning Trends for 2023

The use of interactive videos in eLearning course design

Interactive videos are one of the most popular trends in eLearning right now.

They help make learning more engaging and can be used to reinforce key concepts. TheLearning LAB is a great resource for finding high-quality interactive videos. 

When designing an eLearning course, be sure to consider how you can use interactive videos to enhance the learner experience.

The best way to incorporate this trend into your course design is by creating elearning video tutorials that have multiple steps or interactions. 

For example, let’s say you are teaching learners about the topic of employee retention.

You could create a video tutorial that walks learners through these steps:

  1. Create an Employee Retention Plan;

  2. Educate Employees on Company Values;

  3. Provide Employees with Career Growth Opportunities; etc.

A rise in the use of video test 

TheLearning LAB has predicted that video test will be one of the top eLearning trends in 2022. This is because eLearning video provides a more engaging and interactive way to learn than traditional methods. 

Additionally, elearning video is an effective way to assess student learning.

By incorporating video test into your eLearning course design, you can ensure that your students are getting the most out of their learning experience.

eLearning Trends for 2022

A focus on social learning

In 2022, we also predict that social learning will be one of the top eLearning trends.

This type of learning takes place when learners interact with each other to exchange information and ideas.

It can happen in person or online, and it’s a great way to learn new things and build relationships. 

More premium designed eLearning contents

In 2022, there will be an increased demand for high-quality, premium eLearning content.

  • This means that eLearning platforms will need to step up their game when it comes to design and production value

  • While flat, boring designs may have been acceptable in the past, today's learners are used to consuming content that is visually engaging and interactive.

  • If your eLearning platform can't offer this, you will likely lose out to the competition. 

  • One way to combat this trend is by partnering with designers who specialize in eLearning. Not only do they create elearning courses that will get learners' attention, but they also keep your costs down. 

Learning Management System with Authoring Tool

More focus on the learner in elearning course design

In 2022, the focus in elearning course design will be on the learner.

  • This means creating elearning courses that are tailored to the individual learner's needs and preferences. 

  • This trend is being driven by the increasing popularity of personalized learning and the rise of artificial intelligence in education

  • To meet the needs of today's learners, elearning designers will need to create courses that are more engaging, interactive, and adaptive.

The use of webinars and digital events

In 2022, we expect to see a continued rise in the use of webinars and digital events.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses to move their operations online, and this trend is likely to continue in the coming year. 

Webinars and digital events offer a great way to connect with your audience, provide valuable content, and build relationships. 

Learning Management System with Authoring Tool

Elearning authoring tools make course creation easy

Elearning authoring tools make elearning course creation easy.

You can create engaging, interactive elearning courses without any programming knowledge.

Plus, most authoring tools come with a built-in library of templates and assets. 

TheLearning LAB authoring tool is a great way to get ahead of the curve when it comes to creating eLearning courses.

With this tool, you can easily create engaging and interactive courses that are responsive and look great on any device. 

Plus, you can easily track learner progress and performance. 

The use of 3D screen recording in eLearning course design

The use of 3D screen recording is a growing trend in the eLearning industry. This technology allows you to create realistic, lifelike simulations that can be used for training and education purposes. 

3D screen recording can also be used to create engaging, interactive content that can be used on an eLearning platform. 

Here are some tips on how to use 3D screen recording in your eLearning course design:

  • Use it to create realistic simulations.

  • Use it to create engaging, interactive content.

  • Use it to create educational videos and tutorials.

  • Use it to improve the usability of your eLearning platform.

  • Use it to make your courses more accessible and user-friendly.

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A rise in the use of video quiz

Furthermore, in 2022 there will be a rise in the use of video quiz as part of eLearning courses.

This is likely due to the fact that video quiz offer a more engaging and interactive way to learn than traditional methods. 

Additionally, they can be easily tailored to fit any learning style or pace. Here are some tips to make sure your video quiz are effective: 

  • Keep them short and sweet:

    • No one wants to sit through a 20 minute elearning video just to answer a few questions. 

  • Make sure the questions are relevant to the content of the elearning course:

    • This will help ensure that students are actually learning something from the quiz. 

  • Use engaging visuals and audio:

    • This will help keep students' attention focused on the quiz.

TheLearning LAB is the best eLearning platform for 2022

Finally, the major trends in eLearning course design in 2022 is expected to create a difference and impact the industry at large.

What this implies is that only eLearning platforms that want to stay ahead must be all it is to improve their services and incorporate some of these new trends. 

In particular, major trends like the use of interactive content, such as:

  • Quizzes,

  • Polls,

  • Forums,

  • Social media integration,

  • Data analytics to provide users with valuable insights,

  • Collaborative learning features

  • And personalization’s are major trends every eLearning platform must adopt in 2022. 


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