Interactive Video Learning: Elevate your Strategy

Learners are likely to remember only 10% of text-based content and 65% of visual content, but an incredible 95% of audio-visual content! It is clear that video-based learning significantly enhances engagement and retention. Whether as part of an instructor-led offering, embedded in an online course, or as a stand-alone learning asset, videos can be used in various ways and with great impact. Interactive video learning is a practical and impactful eLearning tool, and its claims of effectiveness are supported by research!

This is why people choose interactive videos for training, marketing, and content generation, and why you should, too. Let's have a look at what makes the interactive videos so unique, and how it can be used to elevate your eLearning strategy.

Keep reading for our 6-point list and find out how interactive video can boost your organisation’s eLearning!

TheLearning LAB Geneva, Palo Alto, London and Paris. eLearning content development & video-based LMS LAB.

Videos can be leveraged to support business goals across various industries; arguably, it can be used anywhere when done right! By allowing Learners to pause and play as they desire, videos make training become on-demand and offer more flexibility. Without the need for trainers and commuting costs for a single session, videos cut down on the training expenditure, thereby making training less expensive. When blended learning is preferred, videos can be used to deliver small chunks of training to enable classroom learning. Again, helping to reduce costs!

Today, there are several ways to make videos interactive to enhance the Learner's engagement. Besides providing a more engaging experience that allows Learners to become a key player in their own learning, interactive videos offer a more immersive and rewarding experience. Ready to find out 6 key elements of making interactive video work for your Learners?

Interactive video: 6 ways to elevate your strategy

1) Take your Learners on a journey

Interactive videos can be used to engage and inspire your Learners through storytelling. Storytelling takes Learners on a journey through realistic scenarios, exposing them to authentic content that makes their learning process feel all the more relevant. It enables Learners to relate to situations they may experience as part of their role, allowing them to develop a better understanding of the ideal way to handle the situation when they encounter a challenge.

Storytelling also helps Learners to understand how their actions affect others, thus promoting good teamwork practices and a greater sense of empathy!


2) Connect with your Learners 

Emotion is more powerful than reason. Emotion is the driving force behind thinking and reasoning. Emotional intelligence increases the mind’s ability to make positive, brilliant decisions.

The above quote shows us why role-playing is such a crucial aspect of engaging your Learners further, and why it is capable of enhancing their connection to the topic. Role-play enables Learners to connect emotionally with their characters, and therefore also connect with the situations they encounter. Besides improving Learners' engagement, this creates long-lasting impressions, making the ideal responses and behaviours easier to remember and apply.


3) Challenge your Learners

Incorporating elements such as branching scenarios, hotspots and quizzes can enhance both storytelling and role-play while allowing Learners to interact with the content throughout their journey. These small interactions also increase engagement levels whilst making the learning process steer away from theory and towards real-life application. Since branching scenarios allow stories to unfold dependent on Learner choices, Learners can use them to make decisions and immediately see how their decisions affect the situation and other characters. Knowing what to do when a real-life situation comes up starts with knowing the theory behind what you should do, but it only solidifies through genuine and authentic application of the learning!

TheLearning LAB Geneva, Palo Alto, London and Paris. Interactive Video for eLearning.

4) Assess their progress

Using a suitable Learning Management System (LMS), all decisions made by Learners in branching scenarios and quizzes can be tracked and logged. The data from these interactions can highlight areas of optimal performance, as well as show you those that need improvement. Data-driven practice will also improve the User Experience (UX) within these immersive methods of learning, such as gamification, and drive both engagement and motivation. How does it do all of this? By ensuring that the Learners are aware that they are not just cogs in the system, and are actually at the center of the improvement process!

5) Provide immersive experiences

Immersive techniques allow you to offer a more memorable learning experience and challenge learning throughout their learning by using real-time decisions through realistic role-play scenarios. To get this down perfectly, sometimes you need the help of existing tools specifically designed for this very purpose! Technology such as Near-Life™ uses gamification to achieve amazing results – it is one of the most impactful immersive tools! Their technology also allows you to receive personalised feedback and data to analyse behavioural insights, bringing your eLearning success rate into hyperdrive.

Another great tool, Uptale offers an authoring and publishing platform for an interactive 360-degree experience for trainers, teachers, and Learners. It also enables you to create, share, and track your own immersive experiences as well as gather statistics and scores, keeping an eye on how things are progressing. It doesn’t get easier or better than this!


6) Make your learning accessible

Accessibility is vital in our digital world, and offers all your Learners equal footing. It is a twofold issue which both includes making your content available to everyone everywhere, and making sure that all Learners can access and make use of the course. Your content should never be a barrier to those Learners who are hard of hearing, blind, or use assistive technology as part of their learning process.

Ensuring that your learning tools are available from all device types, are optimised for web and mobile, and are capable of being used by Learners no matter where they are is vital. This means that you may want to invest in an app. Trust us when we say that mobile Learning (mLearning) is where the latest and greatest innovations are at!

TheLearning LAB Geneva, Palo Alto, London and Paris. eLearning content development & video-based LMS LAB.

eLearning is the key to success

Interactive videos provide Learners with accessible chunks of learning through short, interactive, and engaging videos, accessible via multiple devices. Unlike with traditional classroom learning, which usually doesn't support repeat lessons due to additional training and its associated costs, delivering learning the interactive way allows for repeat attempts. Thanks to the interactive video feature, Learners have the opportunity to retry lessons and quizzes, allowing for something we like to call “safe failure”. Mistakes are seen as opportunities for growth, not lingering moments of struggle or negativity.

With facts and figures supporting the efficiency of videos over other forms of communication in learning, there is no doubt that videos are the most efficient method to use for your learning and training needs. However, with tight budgets and demands within Learning and Development, learning needs to also be cost-effective - while driving inspiration! Interactive video is accessible, flexible, and engaging without breaking the bank, so don’t look any further if great eLearning is what you’re looking for!

We are an eLearning agency that specialises in creating memorable learning programmes for the corporate sector. Based on our extensive experience of more than 15 years within the industry, we can help your organisation develop measurable Learning Objectives that work in the real world.

Contact us now for a free consultation and find out how we can do the same for you!


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