Interactive Video for Digital Training

Over the last decade, the use of videos in digital training has become a well-established practise thanks to its numerous benefits for e-learning. While these benefits are well known, many are unaware of the drawbacks or limitations that come with this mode of e-Learning.

Interactive Video Agency E-Learning

These limitations include the following:

1) Video length

Most viewers tend to forget the content if a video length is more than after 45-60 seconds. Thus, the "Forgetting Curve" will likely set in if the run length of the video extends beyond two minutes. 

2) Video passivit

Videos have an intrinsic limitation of "passivity" that emanates from the fact that the only controls learners have are the start/stop/pause. Therefore, a learner's level of engagement may reduce after the initial few seconds. 

3) Levels of cognition

Even though videos offer high recall, they are not effective for higher levels of cognition , like checkpointing the understanding of its application in the traditional design. 

Difficulty in tracking the learner's usage of the video. 

Interactive Solution Solution - Agency Geneva, London

How To Mitigate The Limitations In Video-Based Learning? 

The answer is: by adopting interactive video-based e-learning practices. Interactive video learning is the NextGen avatar of video-based e-Learning that will successfully offset the challenges mentioned above while taking the learning experience to new levels. 

1) With interactive video-based Learning: 

You can transform traditional videos' passivity to highly engaging interactions using features such as Click to Reveal, Hot spots, Carousal, and so on.

You can evaluate or checkpoint the learners' progress and learning via inline checks and quizzes or end of video assessments.

You can also help learners understand the impacts of their decisions by offering branching pathways – this means at certain points in the videos, the learners' decisions take them to different paths. This method can help them practice the application of learning in a safe environment.  

You can effectively track the learners' progress and performance on the Learning Management System (LMS) 

2) The Learning Lab Interactive Video-Based Learning Framework 

At The Learning Lab,  video-based Learning and interactive video-based learning practices are integral. The organization top 5 interactive video-based learning strategies are: 

  • Support formal training by creating a learning journey that has multiple videos in the Microlearning format. 

  • Provide microlearning videos within the learners' workflow as Performance Support.

  • Integrate personalized video-based learning paths for the learners.

  • Meet learning needs by curating and customizing videos from YouTube

  • Incorporate other interesting components like gamification, Virtual Reality, or Augmented Reality, to create highly immersive learning experiences

3) Value-adds That Interactive Video-Based Learning Offer

Interactive video-based Learning can be used as short, bite-sized nuggets that allow learners to consume content on the go on the device of their choice. Also, with this interactive mode of learning, you don't need to be concerned about running the length of the video. It allows learners to focus on the learning outcome and use the rich range of learning interactions to meet the learning mandate. 

4) Key Features Of The Learning Lab Interactive Video-Based Learning Framework 

These features ensure our customers see a 10X impact vis-à-vis tractional video-based Learning.

  • Multi-Device Support: The interactive video-based learning framework can run seamlessly on any mobile device, including desktops to laptops, tablets, and smartphones

  • SCORM And Tin Can Support: Not only is our framework compatible with SCORM 1.2, 2004, AICC, and Tin Can,  but it can also be hosted on LMS/LRS and can run as a standalone piece on a web server. 

  • Numerous Interactivities And Knowledge Checks: Hotspots, Click and Reveal, Carousal, Drop-down, Timed Activity, Drag and Drop, and Branching based on learners' decisions, among others, are interactives provided by our framework. 

  • Learner Analytics: Our interactive video-based learning framework also offers detailed analysis and reports of the learner's usage pattern.

  • Performance Indicator: Keep track of the learner's performance progress throughout the learning journey with our visual performance indicator. 

  • Gamified Activities: Our interactive video-based learning framework captures the learner's interest and enhances engagement with gamified elements and activities.  Learners can earn points, badges, and trophies as they complete these activities. 

  • Flexibility: To create learning paths that serve specific learning needs, our interactive video-based learning framework can process any video and make it interactive. Still, its real strength lies in its ability to integrate videos from YouTube.  The output can be monitored as it is available in a SCORM/Tin Can format. 


Traditional video-based e-Learning restricts the eLearning process due to its drawbacks. Thankfully interactive video-based learning remedies these setbacks and provides tools that enhance the entire learning experience, making it the best option for you. This article provides the required insights that will help you use it and enhance your training's impact. 

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