E-Learning Tips and Trends for 2023

E-learning is rapidly growing in popularity and is set to be even more prevalent in the years to come.

With the advances in technology, there are more ways than ever to provide and consume e-learning content. Here are some tips and trends to look out for in 2023 to help you stay ahead of the curve.

First, video-based learning is on the rise. Videos are an engaging and effective way to deliver elearning course content.

Additionally, Learning Management Systems (LMS) will become an increasingly important tool for e-learning. They provide a comprehensive, user-friendly platform for creating and managing courses, allowing instructors to customize their lessons to fit their students' needs.

Finally, there's an increasing demand for design-focused courses. Courses that focus on graphic design, web design, and other design-related topics are becoming increasingly popular, and e-learning providers should take note.

E-learning is here to stay, and as technology continues to evolve, so too will the way we deliver courses. These tips and trends will help you stay ahead of the game in 2023 and beyond.

Hybrid Platform


The line between a Learning Management System and a Learning Experience Platform is getting thinner and thinner. Indeed an LMS allows you to create with its Authoring Tool nicely designed and well-structured courses.

An LMS also allows you to publish your e-learning courses and manage your learners' communities.

A LXP has the ultimate goal of creating an environment of sharing, exchange, discussion and collaboration between learners.

The ultimate solution is like the Learning Lab, a hybrid platform!


Video-Based Learning


Video and audio are the best media to transform complex and time-consuming information into clear content that facilitates learning and retention. The video can be used for interviews, coaching, 3D animation, tests, etc.

On a platform such as the Learning Lab, the instructor can record his or her video, but the learner can also create and publish his or her video, which will be commented on and validated.


Project management


Creating e-learning content is a complex process that requires the use of many tools.

The Learning Lab has integrated a project management tool into its LMS to share, discuss and validate each step of the project.

From Authoring Tool, document sharing to SCORM file support with our solution you have everything at your fingertips.


Interact with the Subject Matter


It is important to think about the coaching dimension. E-learning is not synonymous with solitude.

An LMS offers the possibility to discuss with your peers but also to meet the subject matter during virtual classroom for rich and quality exchanges.

These exchanges increase motivation and help memorize information. Everything is clearer and simpler.


Design and Branding


Like many disciplines, the world of e-Learning has become more complex as it has become more professional! It is therefore important not to stop at the pedagogical phase.

And the form being as important as the content, after the strategy and Instructional Design phase, branding and design are important steps that improve the Learning Experience. 

It is also an excellent exercise that reinforces the image of your project and company.


Involve the Learners


Your learners are the holders of knowledge that will enrich your courses. A teacher knows that exchanges with students contribute to the enrichment of the course and increase the learners' motivation.

It is important to transform your e-learning platform into a tool for discussion and sharing.

A good reason to adopt a hybrid LMS / LXP solution like Learning Lab!


Scernario-based Learning


Learners have expectations and challenges! Scenario-based learning is the best method to immerse them in real-life cases and thus provide them with appropriate answers.

Being immersed in practical cases transforms the e-learning course into highly appreciated job-aids.


SCORM VS Authoring Tool


SCORM still has a place in the e-learning landscape. But the power of the new Authoring Tools like the Learning Lab puts the creation of courses with an authoring tool in first position.

It is easy to edit, automatic translation, animation, design... and all this without technical knowledge!


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The Benefits of Scenario-Based Learning


Learning Experience: How People Learn!