10 tips on how to create good e-learning content

With the plethora of eLearning tools out there, creating content has never been easier. But, developing great eLearning content is far more challenging. A good eLearning content should help your organization save costs, simplify the training process, engage employees, help you achieve your learning goals, and measure knowledge acquired.

Here are 10 tips on how to create great eLearning content.

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1) Save your money, time, and resources.

You don't need a large budget or expensive resources to develop good eLearning content. In fact, you already have 90% of the content you need sitting in your company. The only thing missing is a fast and effective tool that'll help you make it yourself. Thus, you need an LMS solution with smart build-in course-builders like The Learning Lab, which allows you to prepare all the e-learning courses you need in minutes and assign it to your organization.

2) Make your e-learning content simpler

It's not uncommon for some content to be better than others. Like everyone else, you want the best, but remember that your organization often needs quick access to knowledge, and it should be fast to work through. Ensure that you only spend extra resources on the most crucial part of your e-learning.

3) Moderation is Key

Don't feed your organization with too much content, as eLearning content that's gotto easily fails to engage the curiosity and ignite the desire to learn. Instead, make them work for it. Tackling and eliminating challenges and hurdles will give your employees the satisfaction of a job well-done and a lesson well-learned. 

4) Match the audience

Ensure the content level aligns with the course's title and objective and the assigned audience. If you create e-learning contents that are too hard, too academically loaded, and too boring, you'll only accomplish a high drop-out rate.

5) Conduct Tests for Better Insights

Learners learn at different paces. Hence, it is crucial to pause every once in a while and make sure everyone is on the same page. The best way to do that is by administering a test or assessment activity. Your assessment should come integrated with the content, so you can determine if your employees are absorbing the material.

6) Eliminate lack of engagement in your e-learning content

One of the most effective ways to engage learners is through multimedia. When creating your eLearning content, take advantage of as many multimedia resources as you can, like videos. By adopting a multimedia platform, you are giving your employees a break from the written e-learning content and stimulating those who are more adept at visual learning - which often will be more than half of your organization's research says.

7) Simplicity is everything

Avoid using complex learning systems to provide your e-learning content. Complexities breed bad experiences. Simple things like a solution that can function anywhere, anytime on any device are super important. Use best-on-market solutions with the ability to motivate your employees.

8) Supporting learning to push performance forward

E-learning content with high importance should not be neglected after the learning process is over. Instead, it should be highlighted, measured, and tracked. Give adequate attention to learnings that are easy to convert into simple and understandable measure-points for the individuals and their managers. Rate and coach to significantly increase the learning effects and performance on the skills learned.

9) Avoid monotony of e-learning content in your course 

True, multimedia contents are crucial, but this doesn't mean you should forget about quality written content. Your eLearning content should be a combination of quality written text and multimedia. Remember that your content should be well-researched, engaging, and credible, as it is vital to keep your organization in the learning loop.

10) Unwanted elements in e-learning content

Because of how easy it is to create eLearning learning content through a smart course-builder today, many creators don't take the course content very seriously. Some may use it as a platform to express their sense of humor, political, or religious opinions. While humor has it's time and place, keep the content specific to your main message as much as possible.


Creating great eLearning content that offers essential benefits to employees and an entire organization is no easy fit. Thankfully, this article provides all the tips you need to develop effective content. To make the most of your content creation process, adopt solutions that are easy to use, and provide user-friendly interfaces and smart course builders.

We produce content that is made for the world of business, with the human experience front and centre.

Let our agency help you design innovative, authentic and engaging eLearning content tailored to your Learners’ individual needs and levels. Contact us now!


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